"I hope so." Riverflow murmered, tears in her eyes.
"I'll try. And Shadowstar is my father, by the way." Spiderpaw snapped, taking the sniveling kit
Scytheclaw bowed his head, and walked off, muttering,"What kind of cat bites off the paw of a kit?"
Stonekit meowed,"I'm scared for him, mommy!"
"He'll be ok, Stonekit." Riverflow said. She was scared for him too.
Spiderpaw grabbed some herbs and pressed more cobwebs on the wound. "Here. Eat theese." she said, giving Wavekit some painkillers. After she patched the paw up, she gave him poppyseeds to make him sleep. "Scytheclaw? Riverflow?" she called.
Wavekit lapped up the herbs, and was soon snoozing.
"Yes?" Scyytheclaw meowed, padding up. Stonekit pressed her body against Foxkit in fear.
Graystripe was waiting by the border, wondering if Swiftflight would show up
Riverflow walked up next to her mate. "Will Wavekit be ok?" she asked fearfully. "I'm sorry to say that Wavekit will never be a warrior. I should become a full medicine cat soon, I can train him to become a medicine cat. Or, I ask my mother to help him. She is also missing a paw." Spiderpaw said
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 13:38:21)
"WHAT?!?" Scytheclaw exclaimed. "A blind cat like Echostrike can become a warrior, why can't a pawless kit?" Wavekit stirred, hearing the noise.
Stonekit meowed,"Foxkit, we're never going to Shadowclan again!"
Swiftlight saw Graystripe, and she meowed,"Graystripe...I'm having kits."
"W-what?!" Graystripe said, shocked
"Its not the same! Echostrike can rely on her other senses. So you want this kit to become a warrior. He won't be able to hunt, and he can't ddefned himself. Its either I get Frostbite, or he waits until i become a full medicine cat." Spiderpaw hissed. "Scytheclaw, calm down. She makes sense." Riverflow mewed, trying to hold back her tears.
"Never again." Foxkit confirmed
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 13:44:42)
Scytheclaw sighed, defeat in his eyes. "I will ask him when he awakes." He pushed his head through the lichen curtain. He hung his head in defeat. He shook himself. He was still deputy; he needed to start acting like it. "Evening patrol," He called out. "Icetiger, Hawkfire, and Hazeswirl will go."
"Yes, it's true," Swiftlight meowed,"I think there's four kits."
"Thats wonderful!" he purred
Icetiger nodded
Riverflow walked up to her mate. "You tried your best. At least hes still alive, right? Don't forget, you have the best you can get. A kind leader, a position as deputy. Beautiful kits, even though one is handicapped. And your loving mate." She purred, licking his cheek
"Yes, but how will I tell the clan?" She sighed.
Hawkfire meowed,"Well, let's go." She padded towards the entrance.
Scytheclaw nodded, and meowed,"Thank you." He licked her cheek with a purr. He straightened up, and felt better.
He shrugged. "I'll come stay with you." he offered
Icetiger followed her
Riverflow smiled. "Your a great cat, Scytheclaw. It was my fault, I should've kept a closer eye on them." she said sullenly
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 13:59:48)
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Yo! What happened while I was one?
Ratpaw gasped. The monster was getting closer. She started to drag Tigerstripes by the scruff, but it was slow moving.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Wolf Don't Leave
littletonkslover wrote:
Yo! What happened while I was one?
well, lionheart brought da kits bk 2 eagleclan & wavekit lsot a paw & cn neva b a warrior
"its no use! Go back to Cobrastrike! I love you!" Tigerstripe said.
"Id rather die then see you with Cobrastrike."
littletonkslover wrote:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Wolf Don't Leave
did u?
Ello >:3
tayd97 wrote:
wolf_warroir can I rp with you? I have one cat in EagleClan.
ello robo & i meant did tonkz leave XD im not mad @ u but if i dnt reply quickly its cuz im workn on an AMV