Ratpaw reapeated."Are you okay?!"
I'm going to make an AMV for a couple, but I'm not sure what to do...you guys help me pick.
#1) "We Intertwined" w/ Nightstar and Crystalwing
#2) "Cold" w/ Shadetooth and Thornclaws
#3) "Bleeding Love" w/ Frostbite and Shadowstar
#4) "You belong with me" w/ Hollybreeze and Bramblestar
"Well..." Swiftlight began,"I'm going to have...kits." She shuffled her paws. The precious life inside of her kicked the side of her womb.
Darkkit pounced on Thornkit. "I had a dream, and I was FLYING!" he burst out. "I betcha I could fly, watch this!" he jumped into the air, but fell back down, hard on his paws. "Wait, I need to find a rock or soemthing to jump off of," he grumbled. He scrambled up on top of the nursery and jumped, but fell. He landed on his paws and wobbled a bit. "Whatever..." He grumbled.
*W* Thinking....someday one of my cats could be in an AMV...
"That's wonderful," Dappleflower purred. "Here, I'll clear a spot in the nursery for you. I remember when I had kits....they went off and led very successful lives in EagleClan." she murmured. Pictures of Rainwind, Woodclaw, and Cinderfur blazed in her mind as she led Swiftflight to the nursery.
its a tree-cut monster choppn down treez in da forest
"GO!" Tigerstripe shouted. "Forget me! Just get outta here! By the way, I've had a crush on you for the longest time, I think I might be in love with you!" TIgerstripe yowled. Panthertooth and Falcontalon darted away
"You know, Hollybreeze doesn't see me as a mutant, and she loved me before I became a leader. I don't think I would be doing much credit to her as your lap dog!" Bramblestar growled, walking away. "I'd much rather be with someone who was in tears of joy when I asked her to be my mate then someone who denied me three times." Bramblestar hissed over his shoulder. Suddenly, Hollybreeze walked out from a den, a the sun rising behind her. He smiled and woke up
Thornkit burst out laughing. "Watch what I can do!" he said, and climbed up the same rock. A webbing shot out from his paws to a tree, and he swung over on it. But he crashed into the tree, rather then landing on it
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 12:49:58)
I say use the song Lucky for Echostrike and Foxtrot, XD nikki. It fits.
Hollybreeze was sitting up beside Bramblestar. "Hey, you're awake." She purred, and licked the top of his head, smoothing out a rough patch of fur.
I FOUND BRAMBLESTAR'S PERFECT SONG it's about how he feels about Moonfrost: http://www.scratch.mit.edu/ext/youtube/?v=DoMiRn-erSI
"You're stupid," Darkkit grumbled, still angry that his dream hadn't come true. It would have been cool to be able to fly. Winterkit sighed. Her brothers were such show-offs; there was nothing that made her special. But she remembered what her father said- if she worked hard, she could become a better warrior, or even leader, than her idiotic brothers.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Hollybreeze was sitting up beside Bramblestar. "Hey, you're awake." She purred, and licked the top of his head, smoothing out a rough patch of fur.
I FOUND BRAMBLESTAR'S PERFECT SONGit's about how he feels about Moonfrost: http://www.scratch.mit.edu/ext/youtube/?v=DoMiRn-erSI
* IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Yeah. I had a crazy dream. Moonfrost said she wanted me back. But heres what I said: "I'd rather have someone who cried tears of joy for me then someone who denied me 3 times.""
Moonkit purred in amusement
Ratpaw stared at the twoleg monster in horror."Try to run!"
Scytheclaw was patrolling the border, and heard Lionheart coming. He meowed,"Greetings, Lionheart. What brings you here? And, why do you look as if you've been fighting?"
gtg D:< Sister wants comp
Tigerstripe rose to his paws, ans screamed in pain. *I don't care. Now she can be happy with Cobrastrike.* he thought glumly.
"Your kits, thats why." Lionheart growled. "They decided to go explore Shadowclan, and who do they meet up with? Shadowstar, thats who. Thankfully, Dragonpaw & I were there to save their butts, but I think Shadowstar tore a paw off one." Lionheart growled
"Take me there, Lionheart!" Scythclaw meowed, and set off at a brisk pace after Lionheart.
Wavekit moaned in pain.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I'm going to make an AMV for a couple, but I'm not sure what to do...you guys help me pick.
#1) "We Intertwined" w/ Nightstar and Crystalwing
#2) "Cold" w/ Shadetooth and Thornclaws
#3) "Bleeding Love" w/ Frostbite and Shadowstar
#4) "You belong with me" w/ Hollybreeze and Bramblestar
idk.........NOT BRAMBLESTAR & HOLLYBREEZE i wanna do dat :3 well we both cn cuz i wanna use bramblestars song in mine
Lionheart led Scytheclaw to Waterclan camp
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 13:10:40)
Scytheclaw saw his son's stump of a paw, and he meowed,"Wavekit! Can you hear me?" He picked up Wavekit, and asked Lionheart,"Please, could you help me carry Stonekit?" He looked at his son's wound. It was going to be hard for him to be a warrior now.
"I wasn't done!" Flamepaw snapped. Lionheart picked up Stonekit and Foxkit in his jaws//////Riverflow was looking for her kits and her mate
Scytheclaw hurriedly ran towards Eagleclan, and ran straight into the medicine cat's den. Wavekit was in Riverflow's sight. Stonekit squirmed from Lionheart's grip, and ran over to her mother, wailing,"Momma! Shadowstar bit off Wavekit's paw!"
Riverflow gasped. Foxkit sulked back into the nursery. "My kits!" She wailed. They were almost ready to be apperntices, and now this happened to Wavekit.
Spiderpaw looked up and saw Scytheclaw. "What happened?" she asked
Scytheclaw meowed sadly,"Wavekit has lost his paw. That mangy, flea bittin, horrid excuse of a leader Shadowstar bit off his paw." He sighed, then asked,"Can you fix him?" Stonekit burrowed her head into Riverflow, crying,"Will he be alright, Momma?"