"So?" Graystripe purred, licking her cheek. "Thats when the moon makes you look even better.
"Hmm.....Shadowclan?" Foxkit asked, but he changed his mind after seeing the look on his brothers. "Lets explore Waterclan!" he said excitedly
"Well I saw you stick Winterkit!" Thornkit shot back. He had no idea how he got the webbing. "You guys should get some rest." Bramblestar purred, licking Thornkit. "Whatever is up with you two, it will only make you better warriors. Now get some rest, like your sister." he said, looking at Moonkit
nikki i gotz a new insult: knock it off or i will let shadowstar maim u & send ure remains 2 disney, so they can put u bk 2geda & turn u in2 a disney slave
Alphazulu wrote:
Kay, when is Pastel gonna be a part of LionClan?
umm.....ill get Marvel 2 get u
Marvel was out in the forest, looking for a medicine cat who would like to join Lionclan
Swiftlight purred,"You're even more beautiful." She licked his cheek, and meowed,"It's cold out here."
Wavekit and Stonekit nodded, and took off for Waterclan.
Darkkit smiled. "I'm gonna be a better warrior," He bragged. Winterkit fluffed her fur. "Nuh-uh! I am!" she retorted. "You don't haven anything that makes you special!" Darkkit jeered. Winterkit frowned, and her little brown eyes began to water. Hollybreeze gasped. "Darkkit! Take that back!" she snapped.
Foxkit took the lead
Graystripe walked over and wrapped himself around Swiftflight, his long gray hair keeping both of them warm
Thornkit tackled his brother. "You heard Mother! Take it back!" he growled. Suddenly, Darkkit was wrapped in a cocoon (XD thornkit cnt control his powaz)
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-06 15:33:10)
Pastel sneaked out of EagleClan camp, her fur bristeling with fear and anxiety. When will the day come when Slatestrike decides to punish her? She ran off into the distance, running towards nothing. She only stopped when she just about ran off of a many foxlengths drop.
Darkkit unsheathed his long metallic claws and sliced his way out. Badgerstep purred. "This is fantastic. Two kits that have powers." He eyed Darkkit. "However, I shall only mentor the kit from the prophecy..." He murmured. (he's the darkness in 'will cover the skies in darkness')
Marvel saw Pastle. The ground began to give in under Pastle, and he grabbed her by the scruff right before she plummeted to her death.
Swiftlight purred, and felt only bliss.
(I will NOT describe...)
Wavekit and Stonekit mewed,"Who could live here? You'd have to have webbed paws!"
Bramblestar cuffed Darkkit. "Apologize!" he growled
"I know! Look at this place!" Foxkit said. Wherever he walked, he got wet
"I'm sorry," Darkkit murmured. Winterkit held her nose high. "I'll be better than you ever will be," She grunted.
Bramblestar walked over and wrapped himself around Winterkit. "Thats right. Your kindness and determination will make you a better warrior then those two. One day, I can see you as Clan leader, while theese two are only warriors. They won't be criticizing you then, will they?" Bramblestar purred, daring his sons to object
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-06 15:41:05)
Marvel turned around and dropped Pastle, where she was safe and wouldn't fall again. "Whoa. You gotta be more careful." he purred
Graystripe fluffed his fur. "Come 'er." he said, leading her to a secret cave. It began to rain after they were safely inside
"Yeah. Lets go back." Foxkit said, and walked right up to Dragonpaw. "What are YOU doing in Waterclan!?!" he snarled
Swiftlight purred,"Your fur feels soft."
Wavekit meowed,"Hey, there's Waterclan camp!" Stonekit asked,"Wanna go see inside?"
"You three are going to Waterclan camp, all right!" Dragonpaw growled.
"A good wash every day will make it soft." he purred, licking her cheek
Wavekit and Stonekit meowed,"Uh oh!" They blubbered,"We weren't gonna see your camp!"