''they wouldn't hurt me...i'm their clanmate...'' she sighed. ''if we go back into the cave they might not find us...shift into a cat...you go first...'' she begged. she
Hawkfoot entered the nursery, Snowkit hanging limply from his jaws. Hawkfoot had brambles stuck to his face and fur, and his ears were flat with impatience. "I was taking her to see the camp, but she ran away and got stuck in a bramble bush," He said, irritated. "It wasn't my fault," Snowkit murmured.
crystallight took snowkit and gave her a quick washing. ''be more careful. and play with your brother. he's bored out of his mind...'' she meowed strictly. she turned to hawkfoot and helped him get the brambles out of his fur. she licked his ear. ''you must be exausted...'' she said.
Blackpaw crawled back in the den. After Ribbonpaw got in he pulled down some reeds to make a curtain.
"Yes," I just need to rest a bit," he murmured, and collapsed. "Daddy fell asleep! Let's jump on him, Dustkit!" Snowkit mewed. She ran over to her father and began jumping up and down on his shoulders. Hawkfoot let out a long sigh; Snowkit was too much to contain.
ribbonpaw was shivering, fear sending a chill down her spine. she buried her face in blackpaw's fur. tears were streaming from her eyes.
dustkit followed, jumping up and down on their father's head. ''this is fun!'' he squealed happily.////"hi shadetooth" thornclaws purred, smiling at him. she licked her jaws and then her paws, cleaning them
OMG LOOK! MY EGGZ MIGHT HATCH! *is really excited* i just need a few more clicks, a few hundred more views!
Blackpaw gave her a comfort lick. "Dont worry it will be alright" he promised guys click my white one
Last edited by packman214 (2009-09-06 11:28:34)
ribbonpaw nodded. she pressed closer, not ever wanting to leave his side.////bearstar neared. he knew they were close. he also scented ribbonpaw. I'LL KILL BLACKPAW...THEN I'LL HOLD RIBBONPAW BACK SEVERAL MOONS FROM TRAINING! he thought fiercely.
Blackpaw could hear Bearstar, "He wont find us," he mewed and prayed at the same time.
ribbonpaw hoped that he was right.
Don't worry, once an egg has cracks, it will slowly but steadily hatch, even if it doesn't get any more views or clicks.
Shadetooth looked at his paws. "You know how you asked about the kits? Well...If you really want kits..." He murmured. He looked into her eyes. "I guess it would be ok."
Hawkfoot's ice blue eyes were bloodshot, he hadn't gotten sleep in days. "GET. OFF." He snarled. He got to his paws, making the kits tumble off. "I'm going to sleep in the warrior's den." He growled, stalking out of the nursery.
what about when its almost mature will it grow on its own?
Blackpaw could here the leaders pawsteps.
dustkit started crying. ''no!'' he dashed after his father, but crystallight caught him by the tail and carefully dragged him back into the nursery. ''your father needs so sleep...'' she told them. ''you can play with tabbypelt when he gets here...'' she said.////thornclaws almost choked. WHAT! HE ACTUALLY...she was frozen, almost not breathing. IS HE...SERIOUS!!!!!! she didn't know how she should react...
ribbonpaw buried her face in his fur once more.///bearstar was right above them, little did he know it.
Blackpaw lay still and held his breath. He put his head on Ribbonpaw. He sent out with his mind *Its going to be okay* he dared not talk for it would alert Bearstar.
Last edited by packman214 (2009-09-06 11:39:55)
new egg ^^
Shadetooth's widened in surprise. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked. Was she really THAT surprised?
Tabbypelt entered the nursery. "What's wrong with Hawkfoot?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion. Snowkit glanced over, and for a second she thought her father had come back, but it was just her older brother.
ribbonpaw held her breath as well, praying bearstar would leave. bearstar bound in another direction seconds later. I PUT OUT A FAKE TRAIL BEFORE WE MET UP...JUST INCASE...I GUESS I WORKED...she thought to him.
"f-fine!'' thornclaws said, her eyes wide. she forced a smile and leaned her head on his shoulder.////dustkit pounced on his brother and started jumping up and down on the tabby warriors back.
Tabbypelt laughed and knocked his sibling off. He picked him up by his scruff. "Rawr, I'm a badger, and I'm going to eat you!" He fake-growled at Dustkit.
Shadetooth purred. "I just thought you'd be more happy. We could just skip on the kits, if you wanted." He suggested.
*Good idea* he waited till the leader faded into the distance and licked her "Be safe" he mewed. He walked off into the distance. The smell of Bearstar was strong. make him come back for me.... epic wolf fight!