Thicketfur purred. He made his way into the nursery, and smiled his famous crooked smile when he saw his grand-kits. He walked over to Hollybreeze and purred. "So what are their names?" He asked. "Thornkit, Moonkit, Darkkit, and Winterkit," She purred, pointing to each one with her paw as she named them.
"I think the cool-aid man is weird. Why is he always breaking through people's walls? and why does he have 'aids' in his name? Is he giving people AIDS? That's why I like Dr. Pepper, because it doesn't give you AIDS."
lol Shane Dawson XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
oh. well then.
Thicketfur turned to face Bramblestar. "I was wrong to say you two should split up because of a prophecy. I'm sorry. Just please, for the love of StarClan, make sure these kits are seperated from the shadows." He meowed seriously.
Bramblestars chest swelled with pride. "No worries, Thicketfur. I will protect these kits from the dark side of the forest, or die trying." he said, standing by his mate
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-05 20:50:26)
plz click & view my dragonz, i really want em 2 hatch
Thicketfur nodded respectfully. "Well, I think I'm going to go back to sleep. I have to travel back to MidnightClan tommorow with Roseblood." He meowed, and left the den. He said hello to Graniteheart, who was standing outside the nursery. Graniteheart poked his head in. "Hey there. awww! The kits have been born!" He purred.
"They have? Lemme see!" Marvel said, shoving Graniteheart out of his way
lol i was wondering if i should make Marvel dep, so he can bcm Marvelstar in honor of marvel
Hi!!! I won't be on for long but....///Rarpaw climbed down the tree.
Graniteheart blinked. "Hey, don't shove," He murmured. darkkit squealed with fright, hearing more cats enter the nursery. "Could you be more quiet? You're scaring Darkkit," Hollybreeze murmured.
Cobrastrike smiled when Ratpaw climbed down. "Feeling better?" He asked. "I don't want you to be sad." He meowed, frowning again.
Tigerpaw dug his claws into the dirt of his den. He found Ratpaws bedding and shredded it./////////"Yeah, Graniteheart." Marvel teased, giving him a playful shove. Thornpaw started curiously at Marvel
Wolfstar yowled for the clan. "Today, we will welcome a two new warriors!" Wolfstar purred. "Wheres Ratpaw?" he asked, spotting Tigerpaw. "Oh, she is to busy right now on border patrol." Tigerpaw lied. Wolfstar nodded his head. "Very well. Well, I guess it will be just you then, Tigerpaw." Wolfstar said. (bla bla blaaaaaa) "From this day foward you will be known as Tigerstripe. Starclan honors you for your strength and loyalty, and welcomes you to Eagleclan as a warrior."
He's already an apprentice O.o lol typo, I know.
Darkkit flopped over in an attempt to shift his position, making him fall. He began to cry, frightened. Graniteheart leaned in to help Darkkit up, but when he bent over he felt a wave of something powerful sweep over him from the young kit. He backed out of the den with his tail between his legs, frightened. Badgerstep continued to watch, invisible to the libing cats. "His powers are maturing even as he is moments old..." he murmured, smiling. "I will shape him into a fine cat with purpose." He meowed.
Thornkit lifted a paw. Or tried. It was stuck to the ground
Ratpaw nodded."I guess. I am just overreactive."
Darkkit got up and yawned, stretching. His tiny paws stretched out in front of him, and long, metallic claws slid out in front of him. Holylbreeze's eyes widened. He must have inherited his father's abnormal claws. He poked Winterkit, and she squealed.
"Do you want to go back to camp?" He asked. He knew Tigerpaw (He doesn't know his warrior name yet) would be there, but he would stand up to him if he tried anything.
"Okay, I guess." she followed Cobrastrike slowly.
"TIGERSTRIPE! TIGERSTRIPE!" The clan cheered. Tigerstripe was welcomed by his other friends, Falcontalon and Panthertooth./////// Bramblestar gasped. Thornkit suddenly grabbed Moonkit, for a snake had slithered in the nursery and she was playing with it
Tigerstripe whispered to Falcontalon, and Falcontalon ran off to the medicine cats den. He returned moments later with some mouse bile. Tigerstripe grinned and spread it all over Cobrastrikes bedding, hiding it with leaves
Ratpaw heard the warrior ceremony. "Oh my gosh! I have to run to the ceremony!"
Hollybreeze slammed her paw down on the snake, and grabbed it in her jaws. It slithered in her mouth, and she bit down until it fell limp. "We should have made sure there were no snakes around," She mumbled through the snake's tough scales. She spat it out, and Winterkit pounced on it.