* Click My Hatchings Or They Will Die
Hollybreeze gulped up the herbs. She wailed as another wave of seething pain shot trough her, but relief followed as she heard a tiny mewing kit. She brought the dark brown tom close to her, and licked his fur the wrong way to get him warm. "Darkkit," she purred.
(i want Thornkit 2 b da youngest, uve cn my project on wat he looks like & da oda one i want a female dat looks like Moonfrost C:<)
"Your doing great." Bramblestar murmered
read last comment nikki XD
lol that'll cause DRAMAAAAA
Two more kits came, the first one a ginger-brown tom. The second one was a silver she-kit that looked strikingly similar to Moonfrost..."What shall we name them?" She asked.
Bramblestars heart sank at the sight of the silver kit. "Thornkit and Moonkit." he said, choking out the last name.
me luv causn DRAMA >:3 lol ure sig izza makn me hungry bacon............
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-05 19:41:40)
lol, if you click it it brings you to my public service announcement of eating bacon in da bathtub >:3
One last kit came out, a little white she-cat. She wasn't mewing, but her flanks were steadily rising and falling. Winterkit," She purred and pulled all four kits close. She looked at Bramblestar and smiled, purring.
Bramblestar smiled. He had achieved every cats dream. Leadership, a beautiful mate and kits. Then, the prophecy he had received at his leadership ceremony flashed into his mind
nikki, u watch football?
"They're beautiful," She purred. She remembered both prophecies, but she couldn't feel sad or angry right now. "They're the first born in LionClan," she purred.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikki, u watch football?
no, I like to watch Hockey and Baseball tho ^^
"Yes. They will fill the clan and become warriors, and soon Lionclan will be as big as Midnightclan and all the others." Bramblestar purred. "Shall I tell Thicketfur?" he asked (iz he in lionclan?)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikki, u watch football?
no, I like to watch Hockey and Baseball tho ^^
kk. imma Jets fan. & lol u WOULD like Hockey, u possested Canadian XD jk jk. Devils?
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-05 20:03:29)
Yeah, Thicket stayed the night remember?
"Yes, please do," Hollybreeze purred. Her father would be pleased to see his grandchildren.
Badgerstep (remember thickets father? from the ceremony?) Watched over Darkkit with curiosity. "He will make a fine apprentice," he murmured. (he wants to mentor him from his dreams)
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikki, u watch football?
no, I like to watch Hockey and Baseball tho ^^
kk. imma Jets fan. & lol u WOULD like Hockey, u possested Canadian XD jk jk. Devils?
I'm not possessed, I just like Hockey >:3
(kk) Bramblestar smiled and licked her forehead. He walked over to the warriors den. "Thicketfur." He mewed, prodding the deputy with his paw (imma offering a chance @ leadership here. cuz during the battle w/ lynxz.....i haz an ebal plan C:<)
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-05 20:09:13)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
no, I like to watch Hockey and Baseball tho ^^kk. imma Jets fan. & lol u WOULD like Hockey, u possested Canadian XD jk jk. Devils?
I'm not possessed, I just like Hockey >:3
ure rep in America iz cold hockey players who ar always dressed like red rangers in hats XD OMG check out wat Google looks like 2day
what do you mean 'chance @ leadership' I want Thicket to still be dep of MidnightClan, I've been waiting FOREVER to be leader of MidnightClan, and i wont lose the title of dep XD
Thicketfur woke up, his clear blue eyes full of sleep-crust. "What is it?" he asked groggily.
"Hollybreeze has just kitted" Bramblestar said (i mean ima gonna kill bramblestar in da big war w/ da lynxz & i was wondering if thicketfur would like 2 b thicketstar)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol why is the google thing a UFO XD
idk Rosswell? Area 51?
hang on, tonkz iz comn
will you bring him back? And no, I want Thicket to stay dep of MidnightClan...Granite (My rogue in LionClan who's warrior name will be Graniteheart) can be dep tho.
Thicketfur's heart warmed. "That's wonderful...Do you mind if I go take a look?" He asked, getting to his paws.
Hollybreeze looked over her kits and waited for her father and mate.
"Sure. She asked for you." Bramblestar said (no, im just going to let his body decay XD OF CORSE IM BRING'N HIM BACK!!!! XD ive never had dis much fun since da 1st gathering. besides, hes not going to die. his healing factor will keep him alive)