If you were a programmer of scratch what new scripts would you put in?
(enter in script like this)
MOTION_Glide to mouse
LOOKS_show all sprites_Hide all sprites
SOUND_play sound------backwards
CONTROL_Stop if on Website
play some of my Games!
Duplicate sprites
X/Y scale
Lagless loops
Most of the ones you posted are just conveniences and can be done with existing blocks.
sonny161 wrote:
If you were a programmer of scratch what new scripts would you put in?
(enter in script like this)
MOTION_Glide to mouse
LOOKS_show all sprites_Hide all sprites
SOUND_play sound------backwards
CONTROL_Stop if on Website
play some of my Games!
You can just put Glide ( ) seconds to x: (mousex) y: (mousey)
Besides the point, I would add a hide/show list function, an if touching color ( ) of sprite ( ), a cursor function, and a up/down rotation selection (like the left/right one on Scratch now)
this isn't in suggestions because....
I will hope to make camera to capture moving picture
Sound__ Fastforward and rewind sound!
LISTS_Delete item (max) of [list]
LISTS_Delete item (min) of [list]
I'd like to see some more advanced color sensing that allows you to pop numerical (hexidecimal?) values into color fields (<touching color [ ]>, set pen color to [ ]), as well as a block that takes RGB values and concatenates them into a color value.
I'd like to be able to duplicate sprites, and set their width and height values
I'd like to be able to use HTTP GET and POST (I can dream, can't I?)
<repeat only when> <> <is true/false>
making the number of sprites to be used at a time without lagging at least 20, making a block so you can make an online game, so players can play with each other and see each other while playing a game!
Should this be moved to Suggestions? Or Inspiration and More?
i think in 1.5 they should have like a leaderboard option or at least make it that with the list online if someone put something in a list (like a chat room project) insted of reseting everytime someone looks like if someone but a new message on the chat boared and then went offline and i logged on to look i could see the message. oh and last but not least internet multiplayer
Add blocks: "hide cursor", "show cursor", "set widht to ( ) percents", "set height to ( ) percents", "set width to ( ) pixels", "set height to ( ) pixels", "get pixel (R or G or B) color from x () y ()", "put pixel R () G () B () x () y ()", "create new sprite [...] from (file or screen or another sprite or new white)", "create new costume in sprite (list of spties) from (flie or...)", "put pixel R (), G (), B (), x (), y () in sprite (list of sprites), costume (list of costumes in choosed sprite)" , "get pixel (R or G or B) color x (), y () from sprite (list of sprites), costume (list of costumes in choosed sprite), "get sprite's (list of sprites) name", "set sprite's (list of sprites) name to ()", get sprite's (list of sprites) costume (list of costumes in choosen sprite) name", "set sprite's (list of sprites) costume (list of costumes in choosen sprite name to ()", "pause sound (list of sounds)"
Add alfa channel to loaded and drawed images.
Add possibility of adding animation to costumes.
sonny161 wrote:
...MOTION_Glide to mouse...
[glide (1) secs to x: ([x-position] of [mouse-pointer]) y: ([y-position] of [mouse-pointer])]
illusionist wrote:
LISTS_Delete item (max) of [list]
LISTS_Delete item (min) of [list]
Delete item (min) of [list] = Delete item (1) of [list]
Delete item (max) of [list] = Delete item (lenght of[list]) of [list]
The-Whiz-test wrote:
sonny161 wrote:
...MOTION_Glide to mouse...
[glide (1) secs to x: ([x-position] of [mouse-pointer]) y: ([y-position] of [mouse-pointer])]
or [glide (1) secs to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)]. That's easier...
A link block that will pull up a window inside the project and will have the website put into the block and a save block for the list and a Grab screen region block that will grab a screen region and then do other stuff:)