hello friends i need help in animating can we move sprites hands and legs or characters hands and legs .please tell me
Hi hari_hyd. There are many ways to move a sprite's hands and legs. One interesting way to do it is to use image effects such as the twirl effect in the "looks" category
(see http://scratch.mit.edu/files/cards/Dance-Twist.pdf)
The more typical way to animate hands and legs is to go into the costumes tab, click "copy", and then on the new costume click "edit". Then, in the paint editor you can move or redraw the hands or legs. When you are ready, and you have two different costumes (say one with the hands up and one with the hands down), you can go into the "scripts" tab and start playing around with blocks like the [next costume] block in the "looks" category.
(See http://scratch.mit.edu/files/cards/Moving-Animation.pdf for an example)
The 3rd way (more complicated) way is to make each arm and leg - maybe even the head - a seperate sprite.
mohlar has some examples of this, using 9 sprites to make a walking robot.
You may also need multiple sprites if you want to do special effects on one part of the body, but not others. A good example is
Though that dancer project seems to have trouble with timing in the Java implementation, so you need to download it to get it to work.