bai leafie!, bai leaff/////*that night* ribbonpaw was curled up, half asleep in teh river cave. her head was tilted, and her fur shown brightly in teh silver moonlight.
I think this guy named Christopher likes me. He's in my Video Production class (I'm taking Vp and Mulitmedia that way I can do animation in 8th grade), and he asks me for advice on website things. He also stares at me, but who am I kidding. Everyone stares at me, My neighbor Michael, Christofu (His nickname ^^), Noah, Chad (unhealthy obsession), Davis....
ummm i have one in sunclan but hes busy trespassing and adapting to new wolf powers...
dude, a person that is 3 years or more older than me has a crush on meh! O_o that'z kinda creepy 4 meh...specially cuz i want 2 b his friend, but i'm kinda scared about the outcome of that...
blackpaw was getting adjusted to his new fully restored vision... his yellow eyes glowed bright in the darkness
i iz back but still going!!! bai!!! =^w^=
sparkygirl wrote:
dude, a person that is 3 years or more older than me has a crush on meh! O_o that'z kinda creepy 4 meh...specially cuz i want 2 b his friend, but i'm kinda scared about the outcome of that...
I don't think it's wrong to be friends with a guy that likes you anymore, I used to think it was awkward. Maybe it's just you, maybe he doesn't have a crush on you and just wants to be your friend.
ribbonpaw woke up, her green eyes shining bright. she blinked a few times, then sat up, waiting for blackpaw to show up. her heart was beating fast.
plz click my eggs blackpaw woke with a start he was late he transformed to wolf not yet telling his clan members about his power... he ran to the cave to see ribonpaw there
Last edited by packman214 (2009-09-03 19:37:46)
could b possible, but u should c the look he gives me...i've been carefully watching how he talks with other girls and he only looks that way at me! it scares me...and he talks 2 me b4 school, and find me when i rush out of school after it ends...he's always looking 4 me... and he asked 2 c my scedual 2 c if we had any more similar or close classes...
sparkygirl wrote:
could b possible, but u should c the look he gives me...i've been carefully watching how he talks with other girls and he only looks that way at me! it scares me...and he talks 2 me b4 school, and find me when i rush out of school after it ends...he's always looking 4 me... and he asked 2 c my scedual 2 c if we had any more similar or close classes...
That's not weird. Just sounds like a boy that wants to be your friend. It's never happened to me, but it does not sound stalkerish....
I g2g, peace....
Matt, you don't have to keep asking people to click your eggs. you only get one view/click per computer, it doesn't matter how many times you click it.
nikkeh! *hugz* can u help me find a non fiction article that won't bore me 2 death and isn't very long...plz! i need it 4 2morrow and i can't find ANYTHING!//// ribbonpaw purred and licked his cheek quickly. ''hi'' she purred.
Bloodkit was stalking her brother, she jumped and pinned her brother, Ryekit, he let out a sceech of terror. Then her mother came over and scolded her. "But what did I do? now that Reedkit is ignoring me I have nothing better to do" she meowed sadly. "I know you wish he would talk to you again, but...