Pinekit was rolling around a ball of moss, bored.
Ratpaw stared at Tigerpaw, then ran away.
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-03 18:29:37)
weird.... something went wrong with that quote i made.... 0.o
Tigerpaw was furious. So he was only good enough to be friends, eh? He gave Cobrastrike one last furious, hateful stare, and curled up in his nest
"Ratpaw, wait!" Cobrastrike called after her. He gave Tigerpaw an angry glance, and followed her.
Sunkit flicked his tail. "Let's go spy on our brother," Sunkit purred, a mischevious grin spreading across his face.
Hollybreeze purred. "Can Roseblood and Thicketfur stay the night?" She asked. "They're my family. And I've forgiven Thicketfur- I think you two should...make up." She suggested.
Wolfie's cat Marvel should kick the * out of Pie's cat Disney XD
earthie..? still there? (maybe im impatiant)
Ratpaw was climbing up a tree and started crying.
uh-oh. Gabbylence's little 'stunt' about lying how she was gonna die in 2 weeks (which I knew was a lie, if you only had 2 weeks to live you wouldn't be spending your time on the computer, you'd be spending your last moments with your family and doing stuff) got Sparky really upset. She said she might quit D:
I meant Snakescales, but ok, Tallstar works too XD Sunkit crouched and slowly padded through the tallest grass so his bright yellow pelt couldn't be detected. "Keep your tail down," he reminded Duskkit. He could smell the DarkClan border, it stank.
Yes. yes he will. Marvel: *glares Disney down* If you DARE coming 2 Lionclan, I'll rip ure pelt off
Bramblestar nodded. "All is forgiven, Thicketfur. I trust you delived my prophecy?" he said
nikkiperson2 wrote:
uh-oh. Gabbylence's little 'stunt' about lying how she was gonna die in 2 weeks (which I knew was a lie, if you only had 2 weeks to live you wouldn't be spending your time on the computer, you'd be spending your last moments with your family and doing stuff) got Sparky really upset. She said she might quit D:
WHat? Oh god! DX
oh im sorry. -_-' hope you get better.. i hate being sick...) mouseclaw suddenly twitched then blinked hard. her eyes widened in pain. "E-EARTHSO-!" she was cut off. she began shaking hard. "HELP ME!!"
Earthsong wrote:
insanepoptart wrote:
earthie..? still there? (maybe im impatiant)
Yeah XD Sorry, Im sick so Im kinda slow X(
me too, I have a mild flu but whatever, I can't wait until the weekend so I can just sleep it off ^^
"Yes." Thicketfur murmured. "And about the other prophecy- Hollybreeze is pregnant? How do you know she couldn't be harboring the destruction of the Clans in her whome?" He insisted. Holylbreeze stiffened up. "It never said anything about the destruction of the forest! All it said was it will darken the skies...Does that have to be bad? What if it has some obscure meaning?" she meowed ffrantically.
I need Pinekit to become evil-hmmm.///Ratpaw tope a leaf off a branch and ripped it to shreds. Then she took another.
Earthsong wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
uh-oh. Gabbylence's little 'stunt' about lying how she was gonna die in 2 weeks (which I knew was a lie, if you only had 2 weeks to live you wouldn't be spending your time on the computer, you'd be spending your last moments with your family and doing stuff) got Sparky really upset. She said she might quit D:
WHat? Oh god! DX
oh God *sighs & walks in2 da shifter machine & turns in2 Dr. Phil* I'm ready
Cobrastrike caught up with Ratpaw. "Rat...paw...what's...wrong..." he panted, out of breath. He saw her ripping up leaves, and he frowned. He thought he made her happy, and then Tigerpaw had to ruin it.
suddenly, mouseclaw stopped moving... "e-e-earthsong... i don't think im having kits.... but, during that little "moment" i saw strange pictures flashing in my head... one was a huge strange cat like beast and it was surrounded by fire..... earthsong? am i... cursed?" mouseclaw asked in a gravley voice.
Ratpaw looked at Cobrastrike. Hi," and continued ripping up leaves.
"Thicketfur, you worry to much. I will personally keep an eye on the kits, and they will NEVER leave my clan." Brambleheart assured. "If they don't meet Shadowstar, they can't turn evil."
Spottedleaf was there in a flash. "Eat theese." she said franticly, thrusting Mouseclaw some herbs
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-03 18:47:06)
hi...i hate 2day. i'm now WORSE than depressed...
"Then how did Shadowstar become evil in the first place?" Thicketfur murmured. "You can't help a cat from turning evil if it's how they are. You can just hope to contain it." he sighed. Hollybreeze sighed. She KNEW it was nothing bad. She could feel it.
Cobrastrike flanked her. "Is this because of me?" He asked. "Because I can go..." he murmured.