Flaming_Trout_Inc wrote:
we had an account to post all of our finished projects and a few demos on...*Sigh* I wish the ppl from FT still went on scratch. I would like to re-assemble it. D: And don't ask to join. because when kingoflego left, he left FunkeyMonkey in charge, and when she left, she left me in charge, and If I re-start it, I'm going to have to make ppeople audition their games, just like the old FT.
There's still people who used to "work" there!
omg your poor cousin's arm!!! XD
Flaming_Trout_Inc wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
I think I joined slightly after the whole copying thing started D: and I HAVE had people take my ideas without permission, and even a complete project, the person that took my complete project stole LOTS of others, and I yelled at them so bad, that they deleted all the projects they stole, and never stole again!
NEVER GET ME REALLY MAD! Trust me O.O I almost broke my cousins arm more than once XD
my friend Peter once broke his own arm with his other arm and a desk, just to prove how strong he was. I'm gonna switch back to Nikkiperson2 now XD
lol XD Thats so DUMB! lol Once my friend Eric fell out of a tree and said"Ow..." like he was bored, and he had broken his arm!
insanepoptart wrote:
omg your poor cousin's arm!!! XD
XD it was my evil cousin (I have like 3 evil cousins, but this was the oldest one XD) but he deserved it! > No matter what I say, I avenge my brother, my ebil cousin was like TRYING to brake my bros brand new $200 bat!
Earthsong wrote:
Flaming_Trout_Inc wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
I think I joined slightly after the whole copying thing started D: and I HAVE had people take my ideas without permission, and even a complete project, the person that took my complete project stole LOTS of others, and I yelled at them so bad, that they deleted all the projects they stole, and never stole again!
NEVER GET ME REALLY MAD! Trust me O.O I almost broke my cousins arm more than once XD
my friend Peter once broke his own arm with his other arm and a desk, just to prove how strong he was. I'm gonna switch back to Nikkiperson2 now XD
lol XD Thats so DUMB! lol Once my friend Eric fell out of a tree and said"Ow..." like he was bored, and he had broken his arm!
Once my friend Kyle was playing his Game Boy in our neighbor's willow tree! XD
Ratpaw _______ed. One sec
mouseclaw padded over to earthsong. "Earthsong? can i talk to you in the nursery?"
SPEAKING OF PETER HE OWES ME LIKE 10 BUCKS D:< I lent him 3 dollars on the first day of school to buy lunch, and then 3 more yesterday, and 3 more today plus a dollar to buy a water. grr. I like, odn't have any money as it is.
Hollybreeze purred. "Yeah, they're going to be coming in about 2 moons or so," she purred. "How are our new siblings? Sunkit and Nutkit and Duskkit?" Hollybreeze prompted her sister.
Ratpaw smiled and said."Well, wanna d something?"
evil cousins? yeah i have one of those... she made me sleep outside... -_-'
Earthsong wrote:
Roseblood smiled,"They are all fine, but Nutkit is blind...."
Earthsong nodded,"Of course." She followed her friend
mouseclaw sat down her her nursery nest. "Earthsong? is it hard.. raising kits..? im nervous...
Cobrastrike purred. "Um...sure, I guess." He shrugged. hIs stomach was filled with butterflies.
Hollybreeze frowned. "That's too bad..." she murmured. She hoped none of her kits turned out blind. "Feel free to stay the night, anyway. Bramblestar will no doubt let my family stay," she purred. (Wolf should be on, she just commented on one of my projects a few mins ago, and I responded saying we were in the gallery)
Ratpaw waited."......." she shuffled her paws."Where should we go?"
Earthsong wrote:
She smiled,"Its hard at first, but you just need to show them that they must listen to older cats, but the right ones..." She added the last part thinking about when Tallstar was a kit.
"Earthsong? What if i have the kits when Darkfire's not here?"
SHe thought,"I dont know... But Ill help you, me and my brother had raised our selves, My father disapered when I was a moon, and my mother died when I was 3 moons, after a huge storm that separated me and my brother, midnightclan adopted me." SHe smiled
XD Hai Wolf!
Last edited by Earthsong (2009-09-03 18:25:23)
Hollybreeze shuddered a bit; Hopefully she wouldn't turn evil. (there's a cat in each generation of Thicketfur's kits that have joined Shadowstar, lol.) She looked around, and saw her mate. Her tial curled with happiness. "Bramblestar! Come over here, my father and sister are here!" she purred. (wolf, in case you're wondering, she forgave thicket.)
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-09-03 18:25:55)
Tigerpaw stared them down coldly from the apprentice den, his eyes showing that he had heard everything
Earthsong wrote:
SHe thought,"I dont know... But Ill help you, me and my brother had raised our selves, My father disapered when I was a moon, and my mother died when I was 3 moons, after a huge storm that separated me and my brother, midnightclan adopted me." SHe smiled
"wow... im so sorry." i.... i never knew my parents..." mouseclaw looked down at her paws.
XD Hai Wolf!
piemaster wrote:
lol im making a cat named Disney age : 11 moons male
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE BUYING UP THE WHOLE FREAKN WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bramblestar walked over, puzzled. "Yes?"
Cobrastrike turned and supressed a nervous hiss. "Oh! Hello..Tigerpaw." he murmured.