Earthsong wrote:
lol, I dont like rats >.> They creep me out
D:< My infinate rage is upon u. XD Then I guess you don't want to join my rat RPG lol
Hollybreeze blinked. "Roseblood? Father?" She gasped in surprise and ran over to them. "I'm sorry I said I hated you! I don't! I never meant to say those things!" Hollybreeze nestled her cheek into her father's. She turned to her sister. "and I've missed you! And Snakescales! I'm so sorry for not saying goodbye!" she cried.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Hollybreeze blinked. "Roseblood? Father?" She gasped in surprise and ran over to them. "I'm sorry I said I hated you! I don't! I never meant to say those things!" Hollybreeze nestled her cheek into her father's. She turned to her sister. "and I've missed you! And Snakescales! I'm so sorry for not saying goodbye!" she cried.
Seriously watch this it's not a rickroll
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-03 17:48:07)
Gabbylence quit. Good Riddance. I'm sick and tired of being NICE to people that I DESPISE on scratch, I don't care if it gets me banned, I don't care if everyone turns their backs to me. And do you know why? Because it's a website. Boo hoo. There's this magical place called the outside world, and having a life in it. I HATE DRAMA IN SCRATCH. I am SICK AND TIRED OF IT. So I vented my feelings and told off Gabbylence, and now I feel SOOO much better.
Hollybreeze sighed. "Why didn't he come along? It would have been nice to see him," She murmured. Suddenly she pirked up. "OH! Guess what? I'm having kits!" She burst out. Thicketfur's jaw dropped.
Did you see that video those people are wimps.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Gabbylence quit. Good Riddance. I'm sick and tired of being NICE to people that I DESPISE on scratch, I don't care if it gets me banned, I don't care if everyone turns their backs to me. And do you know why? Because it's a website. Boo hoo. There's this magical place called the outside world, and having a life in it. I HATE DRAMA IN SCRATCH. I am SICK AND TIRED OF IT. So I vented my feelings and told off Gabbylence, and now I feel SOOO much better.
lol, Im sick of it too, because its hurting my friends, and Im actually in the "magical outside world" more now XD
lol sorry, once I get to ranting you can't stop me. I've taken like 3 debate classes, my backup plan is to be a lawyer if I can't get a job as an animator.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol sorry, once I get to ranting you can't stop me. I've taken like 3 debate classes, my backup plan is to be a lawyer if I can't get a job as an animator.
My uncles a lawyer! lol, I wanna be an animator or an artist XD
Offline This iz so sad u have to watch.
Lol. I've gotten myself into trouble with my need to debate, One person quit because of me before (Like a year and a half ago...can't remember their name) And MANY people have posted hate projects against me, way back in the Heroine Lisa era when Me and MahoAshley and Archmage ruled the frontpage waaaaay back when Scratch was still young XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Lol. I've gotten myself into trouble with my need to debate, One person quit because of me before (Like a year and a half ago...can't remember their name) And MANY people have posted hate projects against me, way back in the Heroine Lisa era when Me and MahoAshley and Archmage ruled the frontpage waaaaay back when Scratch was still young XD
lol I assume BEFORE idiots with no life joined?
littletonkslover wrote: This iz so sad u have to watch.
If its about like animals dieing or being hurt I cant watch it! D: I mean Im like ALLOWED To but I hate seeing that stuff
Earthsong wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Lol. I've gotten myself into trouble with my need to debate, One person quit because of me before (Like a year and a half ago...can't remember their name) And MANY people have posted hate projects against me, way back in the Heroine Lisa era when Me and MahoAshley and Archmage ruled the frontpage waaaaay back when Scratch was still young XD
lol I assume BEFORE idiots with no life joined?
yeah, I liked the old scratch...Back when I was a part of Flaming Trout inc., when Yorie still came on, when projects that were worth more than 5 seconds of your time were on the front page. good times. Well, there was this one guy, "Glough" Who started the whole copier thing...
When you get the chance, you should check out some of Flaming Trout's stuff...It was me, FunkyMonkey, Robinson_K, Juicetin007, Kingoflego, Sparkygirl, and someone else who's name escapes me...hold on, let me link the old gallery to you.
So really, you can tear a rat limb from limb, cut off it's tail, and tear out it's stomach and they don't count it as animal cruelty. D:< WELL I WON'T STAND FOR THIS!!!!
"hmm.... my kits should be coming soon! i hope your kits and mine will grow up as great warriors together." mouseclaw looked at her belly. she sighed. "i really want them to come soon"
I think I joined slightly after the whole copying thing started D: and I HAVE had people take my ideas without permission, and even a complete project, the person that took my complete project stole LOTS of others, and I yelled at them so bad, that they deleted all the projects they stole, and never stole again! NEVER GET ME REALLY MAD! Trust me O.O I almost broke my cousins arm more than once XD
OMG I REMEMBER THE ACCOUNT PASSWORD we had an account to post all of our finished projects and a few demos on...*Sigh* I wish the ppl from FT still went on scratch. I would like to re-assemble it. D: And don't ask to join. because when kingoflego left, he left FunkeyMonkey in charge, and when she left, she left me in charge, and If I re-start it, I'm going to have to make ppeople audition their games, just like the old FT.
littletonkslover wrote:
So really, you can tear a rat limb from limb, cut off it's tail, and tear out it's stomach and they don't count it as animal cruelty. D:< WELL I WON'T STAND FOR THIS!!!!
WHAAAAAAT???? I dont like rats and I hate that! D:<
Earthsong purred,"I hope so too." She looked at Duskkit, and for once the dark grey kit was quiet, she was thinking...
Earthsong wrote:
I think I joined slightly after the whole copying thing started D: and I HAVE had people take my ideas without permission, and even a complete project, the person that took my complete project stole LOTS of others, and I yelled at them so bad, that they deleted all the projects they stole, and never stole again!
NEVER GET ME REALLY MAD! Trust me O.O I almost broke my cousins arm more than once XD
my friend Peter once broke his own arm with his other arm and a desk, just to prove how strong he was. I'm gonna switch back to Nikkiperson2 now XD