Try not to Lie, Cheat, Gossip, Pretend to quit scratch, and stuff bacon up your nose! (lol)
Try to Make friends, Have fun, Make fun projects and be a star! (lol)
So I might have more things in the future!
Hope this isn't offensive, Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion but; Yu-Gi-Oh Sucks!
I hate you
Just kidding, but why do people hate Yugioh? It's not such a bad game
Also you don't get my reference
The stuff Solar listed is what she's telling us to do, so I used that card to reflect it back at her, because thats what she does.
Well the first season of yugioh i liked it. But once it reached like 5D's and after the real guy died i started losing interest. I like pokemon better but it has drifted away from me. I think i will start skateboarding sometime this year.
This isn't a Double post room either!
yu-gi-oh and pokemon are okay, but I don't like how the cards can get really expensive, but they still are after all a printed piece of paper.
wow a trap card, how "appropriate"