"She can be whatever she wants to be," Thicketfur meowed. He licked the top of Nutkit's head. "There's a blind warrior in EagleClan, he's led a very succesful life," he remineded her. "Thunderstorm, I think his name is..." he murmured. Sunkit blinked. "Mamma, what does blind mean?" Sunkit mewed curiously.
sparkygirl wrote:
yo dudes!
hey sparkychan :3
I had my second day of school today, and we had school pictures and I forgot my form to get them -.- yes, we get school pics early in the year, because we need them for our student I.D.
HAI SPARKZ!!/// Earthsong mewed,"It means that she cant see, close your eyes, see? You see nothing, but you can see, Nutkit can never see..." Nutkit sighed and curled up, her white tail covering her half-chestnut, half white face
Sunkit frowned. "Maybe her eyes just haven't started working yet," He mewed. (Lol I love Rping as kits, they're so Naiive ^^) Thicketfur grimaced. Sunkit scrambled off of his mother's back.
Sunkit frowned. "Whatever," He murmured. He didn't want his sister to be blind. He wobbled over to Earthsong and curled up to feed (UGH I hate that word it gives me the chills.) Thicketfur glanced over at Roseblood and smiled. At least his other daughter still loved him.
"I do, too. But she did what she wanted to do...I couldn't stop her. And now she hates me," He sighed. "I just wish I could tell her I was sorry, but when Brambleheart-er, Bramblestar- came back to tell me something, she wasn't with him..." he sighed.///
Bronzekit tapped his adopted father's paw. "When we become warriors, will you be my mentor, Papa?" He mewed.
Earthsong wrote:
Duskkit trotted over to her father,"Papa? Can Starclan fix Nutkit's eyes? Roseblood told me they've done miracles before..."
"Maybe. You never know what StarClan will do next. We can only pray that they do," He meowed.
Bronzekit beamed. "I'm gonna ask him!" he declared.
Thicketfur blinked. "Roseblood...would you come with me to visit her? Bramblestar's scent is proabably still fresh from when he made the trip back." He suggested .
eh, I'm like...not even in the mood to RP D:
I want to play Spore lol XD or Runsescape, or something. I yearn to play some sort of game ^^
Earthsong wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
eh, I'm like...not even in the mood to RP D:
I want to play Spore lol XD or Runsescape, or something. I yearn to play some sort of game ^^I wont be able to RP till like saturday! D:
in that case...
Thicketfur nodded. "Ok." He led the way, sniffing out Bramblestar's scent. It was headed toward the mountains. He winced- what if something happened to her? The mountains were very dangerous.
"It seems that way," Thicketfur murmured. He began walking, the fur on the back of his neck bristling. What if they got there, and she didn't want to see him? He shook those thoughts from his head, and continued. (lol wanna make them magically teleport there?)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
"It seems that way," Thicketfur murmured. He began walking, the fur on the back of his neck bristling. What if they got there, and she didn't want to see him? He shook those thoughts from his head, and continued. (lol wanna make them magically teleport there?)
yesh XD
Earthsong wrote:
Roseblood sighed,*WHat is this? My SECOND sibling that doesnt love me anymore?"
Lol she never said anything about not loving Roseblood, she didn't do anything to tick her off XD
Thicketfur looked around, and finally stumbled upon their camp. There were other cats there- it looked like they'd assembled a Clan of rogues and Kittypets. He wrinkled his nose in distaste. He saw Hollybreeze in the mix, talking to a young tom no older than an apprentice. He smiled- she was ok. But her belly looked slightly larger.
dudes, i'm SO confuzled! does any1 here know how 2 help me w/ physics! it's mah 3rd day of my 1st yr in high school and i'm as confuzled as i can b!