Oh My God If They Ruin Xmen Or Spiderman I Will Personally Go 2 Disney, Steal All Thar Cash & Give It Back 2 Marvel
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Oh My God If They Ruin Xmen Or Spiderman I Will Personally Go 2 Disney, Steal All Thar Cash & Give It Back 2 Marvel
Good luck with that lol
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Cobrastrike's heart skipped a beat. "S-sure!" he mewed, almost too enthusiastically. "I would love to go on hunting patrol, almost as much as I love yo-" He cut himself off, and tensed. "as much as I love...um...Yew. Yeah, I love YEW." he meowed, covering it up. *fox-dung!* he thought to himself. *She's going to know I meant 'as much as I love you-' Yew is poison!* he thought angerly.
Ratpaw looked at Cobrastrike. She knew what he meant."I love yew too." She nuzzled him(this is a time when she is NOT like me!!!).
"You guys going hunting? Sorry I was just passing by when I heard you two talking about a hunting patrol. Wolfstar asked me to find volunteers." Tigerpaw said, as casual as he could. "And you must have one strong stomach if you can digest Yew." Tigerpaw purred in amusement, but it had an edge to it, a warning./// Bramblestar spotted the white warrior and walked over to him
Lol look at this
I have a cat named Nightbane. It's in Dark Clan i think
What do I do?
Blade-Edge wrote:
Lol look at this
I have a cat named Nightbane. It's in Dark Clan i think
What do I do?
What about the image?
Tigerpaw new what was going on. Ratpaw was falling in love with Cobrastrike. He had to do something before they were admitting it 2 each other./////// Braveheart smiled. "So whats it like, being alive?" he purred
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-01 21:01:36)
Thicketfur looked up. "Brambleheart! Thank StarClan- Where's Hollybreeze? She's missing!" he wailed. his eyes were red from crying, his cheeks stained with tears.
http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2009/08/disney-owns-marvel/ hhhhhheeeerrrreeee immm trrreeeemmmmbbbeeelllliiiinnnnngggg
Whitetalon purred happily. "It's wonderful. Breathing, dreaming, eating. It's like being re-born," she murmurred. "Obviously you weren't a vampire too long, so you don't know how I feel...." /// Pastel crawled out of the apprentice den in Eagleclan. Her sister, Crayons, was happy here. She didn't like EagleClan, it was too crowded. She felt un-safe.
Ratpaw looked at Cobrastrike. She knew what he meant."I love yew too." She nuzzled him(this is a time when she is NOT like me!!!).
Cobrastrike shifted. "Er, yeah, totally. I should have been called Toughbelly...yeah..." he mewed. "let's...just go." he mewed, not wanting to look Tigerpaw in the eye.
"Shes not missing. And I am now Bramblestar. I haven't killed anyone, don't worry. We started a clan ourselves up in the mountains. Starclan gave me 9 lives and everything. And while were on the subject Hollybreeze is planning kits and I also think she migh be pregnant. But thats no why I'm here. You see, after I received 9 lives, Nightstar gave me a prophecy: Cats who don't belong will return, one of the chosen will be forced to turn, the ones who will stand a chance will come in pairs, and the cat made of thorns will have a burden to share." Bramblestar said
Ratpaw went with Cobrastrike(he has such a unfitting name XD)
Thicketfur completley drown out the prophecy, only hearing the part where he said his daughter was expecting. "Get out of here!" he hissed, enraged. (hes very protective XD)
he does, doesn't he, Tonks XD
Cobrastrike scented the air as soon as they left camp, and caught whiff of a mouse. he stalked it, and pounced, catching it quickly. He dropped it at Ratpaw's paws and smiled. "Want it?" he asked, nosing it foward.
guyz, please please please click mah eggz. i have 3 new 1's but i need my 1st 1 2 live. can u guyz refresh the page until u can't give it any more views! please! i'll b on 2morrow!
"Yes, lets." Tigerpaw growled, also noticing her hint
"BrambleSTAR. And if that is your wish, then fine. But I WILL tell Spottedleaf and she WILL tell Banditstar. It is something very big and very bad." Bramblestar said. He repeated he prophecy to Spottedleaf and left
Ratpaw took the mouse and ate it awkwardly.
"A warrior never feeds himself before the clan is fed." Tigerpaw pointed out sharply