okay.....but i can b leader if u want. u have tallstar & 2 deputies
you guys, if anyone EVER pretends to be me,if I ever get banned, I won't make another account. I'll go to my friend Teddy's house and use the one we share but never go on (RedLeafAnimation)
..... im just gunna go... no one EVER listens to me... no one cares that mouseclaw is even gunna have kits!!!!! so... later... but what do you care...
dnt worry, i plan 2 kill him off quickly though. a lynx iz gonna kill him, so u cn b leader, ill recarnate him, cuz its almost impossible 4 him 2 die
insanepoptart wrote:
..... im just gunna go... no one EVER listens to me... no one cares that mouseclaw is even gunna have kits!!!!! so... later... but what do you care...
Dude, I just got back!!! I'll RP!!!
don't do 2 much! i gotta go do history homework! a whole packet i got 2day, due 2morrow!
Coalfeather asked,"Mouseclaw? Are you alrlight?"//// Swiftlight nodded, and meowed,"Turce." She thought he was a handsome tom....
REALLY!?!?! OH THANK YOU!!!! sorry for over reacting... so.. do you wanna rp with coalfeather? (ps: i made a little pic thing for the forums. how do i put it on?)
insanepoptart wrote:
..... im just gunna go... no one EVER listens to me... no one cares that mouseclaw is even gunna have kits!!!!! so... later... but what do you care...
kewl! & dont go! i dnt have ny1 2 spare rght now!//////// Brambleheart closed his eyes./// OMG my dads going out 2 a fire & hes leaving ME in charge! at long last!
"yes", mouseclaw replied. "i can't wait for my kits... my first liter." mouseclaw smiled
Coalfeather replied,"Are they coming soon? It looks like it. We better move you into the nursery." Like this:
{img} picture {/img} or sumthing X3
Hollybreeze opened her eyes in her dream-world. A muscular gray cat with white markings on his muzzle to his chest was standing on a rock. "I am Badgerstep, one of your ancestors, Hollybreeze." he boomed. "I am you father's father."
"yes... they are coming very soon." mouseclawclaw looked down at her belly.
Nightstar walked up next to Badgerstep (yesh i killed him cuz he asked me 2 die >:3) , accompanied by Shadowheart, Shadowstars good son and brother of Brambleheart. "You both want the leader title and yet you both want the other to have it. But only one can be leader
I FOUND A WAY TO PROOVE ONCE AND FOR ALL THAT PERSON ISNT MASKED (even though we all knew it wasn't her in the FIRST place) look at her forum status-- if it says 'banned' then she's banned! if not, that person isnt masked!
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I FOUND A WAY TO PROOVE ONCE AND FOR ALL THAT PERSON ISNT MASKED (even though we all knew it wasn't her in the FIRST place) look at her forum status-- if it says 'banned' then she's banned! if not, that person isnt masked!
YEAH! good idea!
Badgerstep nodded. "Yes." He stepped down from the rock and landed next to Brambleheart. "Which is why I am pleased to announce that Brambleheart shall lead the Clan, which will be from now called _____CLan." He boomed. (what will it be called o.o)
(can't figure out the pic thing DX) mouseclaw walked into the nursery. 'coalfeather? will you come with me?"
Registered: 2008-01-03
Posts: 141
mmmhmmm. I copied and pasted that right from her status.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Badgerstep nodded. "Yes." He stepped down from the rock and landed next to Brambleheart. "Which is why I am pleased to announce that Brambleheart shall lead the Clan, which will be from now called _____CLan." He boomed. (what will it be called o.o)
Lionclan.///// Brambleheart gasped. "Me?" he said in utter disbelief. He was a monster, no matter what Hollybreeze said. So many lives he'd taken, and Starclan was giving him the honor of leader!
Hollybreeze purred. "Good for you!" she swiped her tongue affectionetly across his shoulder. "Besides- If I'm going to raise our kits, I have to focus on them, not leading a Clan," she reminded him. She was so excited, she wanted to have kits oh so badly.
Oooohh!!! I Think The New Clan Should Be Called Forestclan!!! :d