kk, But who do you wanna rpg with? Goldenkit is still younger, and Slatestrike is going to mentor Pastel's sister Crayons (or I'm planning on having him mentor her....)
Edit: Lol, no way. Only Goldenkit and Slatestrike are mine XD Maskedstar and Nikkiperson were kind enough to let me have a kit in their litter.
Last edited by Alphazulu (2009-08-31 19:01:51)
Yokey dae! :-D
Slatestrike lay down on the grass, his young playing among his paws. He laughed as Goldenkit attempted to catch his bushy tail, and he would flick it out of the way. "Papa, stop doing that!" Goldenkit mewed frustratedly.
Slatestrike's eyes narrowed as he thought hard. "Well, It would be nice of Thunderstorm mentored one of them," he recalled, mentioning his former mentor. "My uncle was a great mentor, even if he is blind. I would also like Scytheclaw to mentor Maplepaw preferably, to straighten him up. He is such a troublemaker," he murmurred. "Poor kit, I wonder if he will even be an apprentice..."
Ugh. No one's on. Nikki and Earthie andCanine and more of yu pplz started school.
School starts in 7 days DX
Hi want 2 rpg my school started august 17 the reason y started so early is because we get a half day every wednesday
im here. and you can be leader wolf, even though you already have 2 leaders and this will make 3 -.-
Guys!!!! :d Mouseclaw Is Having Her Kits Soon!!!