Cobrastrike got to his paws. "You know what? I Think I will!" He meowed. Grayfoot purred. "Go get her!" he cheered. Cobrastrike padded over to the apprentice den, but chickened out and kept walking past XD
tayd97 wrote:
tonks went swiming even though she hates it
How can you hate swimming o.o
nikkiperson2 wrote:
tayd97 wrote:
tonks went swiming even though she hates it
How can you hate swimming o.o
I don't hate it! I'm really good and was going to sign up for the swim team! I just didn't want to swim today!
Tigerstripes walked in a circle when he saw Bloodkit outside the nursery, she had glared at him with her big cute yellow eyes like she was mad at him. He knew that she was very differnt than her littermates, she didn't look like anyone in their family.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
tayd97 wrote:
tonks went swiming even though she hates it
How can you hate swimming o.o
Well if your were a fire than you wouldn't like to swim...
Bloodkit was so bored, her sibs were talking about something she didn't care about, she knew her sisters were either fighting about who's going to be with Pinekit or fighting about who's going to be the med cat becuse whoeverwon the Pinekit thing the other one will become the med cat. Bloodkit absolutely hated Pinekit, he is very mean to her, she thiks it's because her and Reedkit were friends.
tayd97 wrote:
Bloodkit was so bored, her sibs were talking about something she didn't care about, she knew her sisters were either fighting about who's going to be with Pinekit or fighting about who's going to be the med cat becuse whoever won the Pinekit thing the other one will become the med cat. Bloodkit absolutely hated Pinekit, he is very mean to her, she thiks it's because her and Reedkit are friends.
Lilykit said "do you ever notice that Reedkit and Bloodkit are together a lot?" "Great here we are fighting about a cat who doesn't know we exsits and the weird one of the litter already has a boyfriend" wailed Butterflykit. "But I hear since Reedkit is blind he is going to be a med cat" whisperd Lilykit. "That's terrible now whoever loses the contest can't become a med cat" wailed Butterflykit. "Who cares about that, if Reedkit does become a med cat Bloodkit can't be his girlfriend" said Lilykit. "Why is that a good thing? Butterflykit asked. "Because I don't want her to find love before us" replied Lilykit.
tayd97 wrote:
tayd97 wrote:
Bloodkit was so bored, her sibs were talking about something she didn't care about, she knew her sisters were either fighting about who's going to be with Pinekit or fighting about who's going to be the med cat becuse whoever won the Pinekit thing the other one will become the med cat. Bloodkit absolutely hated Pinekit, he is very mean to her, she thiks it's because her and Reedkit are friends.
Lilykit said "do you ever notice that Reedkit and Bloodkit are together a lot?" "Great here we are fighting about a cat who doesn't know we exsits and the weird one of the litter already has a boyfriend" wailed Butterflykit. "But I hear since Reedkit is blind he is going to be a med cat" whisperd Lilykit. "That's terrible now whoever loses the contest can't become a med cat" wailed Butterflykit. "Who cares about that, if Reedkit does become a med cat Bloodkit can't be his girlfriend" said Lilykit. "Why is that a good thing? Butterflykit asked. "Because I don't want her to find love before us" replied Lilykit.
I don't know why, but Lilykit must hate her sister if she'll enjoy her sister's pian.
tayd97 wrote:
tayd97 wrote:
tayd97 wrote:
Bloodkit was so bored, her sibs were talking about something she didn't care about, she knew her sisters were either fighting about who's going to be with Pinekit or fighting about who's going to be the med cat becuse whoever won the Pinekit thing the other one will become the med cat. Bloodkit absolutely hated Pinekit, he is very mean to her, she thiks it's because her and Reedkit are friends.
Lilykit said "do you ever notice that Reedkit and Bloodkit are together a lot?" "Great here we are fighting about a cat who doesn't know we exsits and the weird one of the litter already has a boyfriend" wailed Butterflykit. "But I hear since Reedkit is blind he is going to be a med cat" whisperd Lilykit. "That's terrible now whoever loses the contest can't become a med cat" wailed Butterflykit. "Who cares about that, if Reedkit does become a med cat Bloodkit can't be his girlfriend" said Lilykit. "Why is that a good thing? Butterflykit asked. "Because I don't want her to find love before us" replied Lilykit.
I don't know why, but Lilykit must hate her sister if she'll enjoy her sister's pian.
I'm so bored that I'm talking to myself ANYONE ON I'M SO BORED.
tayd97 wrote:
SunClan, but I'm thinking about making one in EagleClan. What about you?
I have two cats in Eagleclan, (Ones Slatestrike, the other is Goldenkit), One kitty in Midnightclan (Previously vamped Whitetalon), and one "loner" cat (Pastel, she is still trying to join Eagleclan with her sissy).
Edit: I wish there was a spell check on here....
Last edited by Alphazulu (2009-08-31 18:45:29)
tayd97 wrote:
How many cats are in EagleClan?
No idea >_> Slatestrike's two kits, mate, two brothers, one sister, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and great grandmother all live in his clan. As well as his uncle, aunt, and two cousins >_> So you have 16 in his FAMILY DX