Brambleheart gasped. "W-what?" he said.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
back.///// braveheart faked left, then went right and tackled him
Wolfie, Neo is on fire....
Neo screeched as the fire ate away at his body.
Whitetalon suddenly felt very weak. She collapsed on the ground, her red eyes closing forever shut.
Alphazulu wrote:
Aahck, Why Won't Mah Eggies Hatch!!!!
they won't hatch until they have a big gaping hole in the center.
Thicketfur walked out of his den. "What's going on here?" He meowed, observing the scene of fighting cats.
Hollybreeze huddled close to the back of the warrior's den, she could hear the fighting noise outside, and was afraid. She didn't like vampires much, or rather, ones that she didn't know. (lol as I was typing that I remembered that her father and mother were once vamps, and her sister Roseblood is vamp XD)
''wh-whitetalon! what happened!'' leaflight asked.
Neo's body no longer screamed with agony or writhed in pain, because there was no body. Instead, on the grass was a piles of ashes and charred grass. The wind blew softly, and the ashes were blown away.
Edit: There's a hole in mah pygmy egg! :-D
Last edited by Alphazulu (2009-08-30 20:11:48)
gah! my eggz won't hatch! all 4 of them will die! (and u guyz know how i get about death, and how i get attached...and after my grandad's death a few months ago, i've hated dying even more...)
leaflight stopped teh flame and let it die down while she checked on her 'friend' whitetalon. DID...DID I KILL HIM? she wondered.
Braveheart collasped next.///// Brambleheart stood outside the warriors den. "Thicketfur! Don't get involved. These cats have it well in hand. the tom on fire is the one that tried to attack the day Earthsongs kits were born." he called over to the deputy
I shall need moar charries
''your eyes...their...GREEN!'' she looked shocked. ''how1''
Thicketfur narrowed his eyes. "Well any cat that isn't in MidnightClan, I want them out," He hissed. He saw what the cat with the ability to draw fire could do, and he didn't want her harming any more cats. Raventalon entered the camp, a squirrel in his jaws. He immediatly dropped it. "Leafflight?"
Ratpaw looked for Cobrstrike.
''raventalon!'' leaflight ran to him. ''i've miss you!'' she licked his cheek happily. ''i've missed you so, so much!''
Tigerpaw flanked Ratpaw.////// Bravehearts once red eyes transformed back to his fathers dark green eyes
Cobrastrike spotted Ratpaw, he was eating some of the leftover blueberries he'd snagged from the bush. "Hey Ratpaw," He called her over. "You want some? These ones are even sweeter than the ones we ate while we were hunting!" he purred.
Raventalon purred. "Where've you been? And...." He looked around. Nobody seemed at ease, all cats in the clearing looked either shocked or sad. "What happened here?" He asked, seeing a tiny pile of ash that was being scattered by the wind.
thornclaws went looking for shadetooth. she wanted to talk with him. badly. it was important. she wanted to know if he loved her. and after that, if he ever planned on having kits.
''a bad vampire was on my nerves, so i burned him...i...didn't mean to kill him...'' she looked sad.