I got a egg from the Abandoned area, I didn't want it so i tried to abandon it... It said i didn't have it long enough!? That only happens if you get them off the front page... But the egg is a Slimy blue one... So IDK what to do DX
just wait 5 hours and then you can get a new one XD lol the only eggs/hatchlings that I have at the moment are the ones in my sig, so I'm going to go get a ton of eggs now XD
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-08-29 18:59:09)
Mmkay, But IDK what to do now DX
Oh great, In the like little time you'll be on i am bored DX
I did >:3
Sure, But don't tell anyone. I ma adnik def pu htiw allizdog
wolllllfieeeeee///Crystalwing appeared before Spiderpaw. "Spiderpaw, I have a prophecy from StarClan, you must take it to MidnightClan," She meowed. Suddenly, her eyes went blank and her voice turned into many voices. "The daughter of good and the son of evil will cover the skies in darness," She meowed, and disapeared.
Cobrastrike spotted Ratpaw. "Hey!" He called her over. He felt something flutter in the pit of his stomach whenever he saw her.
Here sorry I was looking at drawings~
Ratpaw smiled and ran over."What?"
Ratpaw nodded."Sure!"
Cobrastrike led the way. He saw some berries haning from a tree. They looked safe, nothing like the Deathberries Foxtrot kept in his den. He jumped up and pulled the branch down, snapping it off in his teeth. "Want some berries?" he asked, some of the juice from the berries smearing onto his fur, putting blue splotches onto his face. He chuckled.
Ratpaw looked at them."Sure...what are they?" She took a few in her paw.
Cobrastrike licked the juice off his face that could be reached with his tongue. "Tastes like blueberry," He purred, bending down and biting a few off the branch. they were sweet and plump and delicious. "Mmmm," he purred.
Ratpaw ate some."Mmmm...Cobrastrike, these are great!" They tasted sweet, with a touch of sourness. She grabbed a few more.
Cobrastrike nodded, and had a few more. "Ok, let's not fill up on blueberries, We should bring some back for the Clan when we're done hunting," He suggested. He took a few steps foward and scented the air. He picked up squirrel scent and stalked in the direction of the scent.
Ratpaw went to hunt too. She scented a mouse and pouncedon it.
Cobrastrike saw the squirrel and pounced. he caught it in his paws, but it retaliated, swiping with it's tiny paws at his face. He yowled as it got him right across one of the eyes. "fox-dung!" he spat.