"Okay then..let's me get ready.." he crouched down.
Reedkit said,"i'm ready." He pounced.
Reedkit touched her pelt."Are you okay?" gtg or brb~
I can't remember my dream.
Lol check this out, I made it for the scratch newspaper XD I'm a cartoonist for it.
Yo Yo Yo!!!!!! Xd Mouseclaw In Dah House!!!!!! Xd
hey uhh guys....? WHAT THE HECK IS DRAGCAVE!!?!?!?!?!!?
i guess i'll talk about wotf stuff now... err..... MOUSECLAW HAS A CRUSH!!!!!! ^3^ it's darkfire. (arcanine4535)
Earthsong wrote:
IDK lol XD Roseblood: D: now Hollybreeze has a mate? Snakescales really likes Mimicspots... T.T
hey earthie!?!!? do yuo know how to put on those little pics? ya know, of yuor wotf cat? *!!!!! i gott go... -_-'... talk to my peeps lata!!!!
insanepoptart wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
IDK lol XD Roseblood: D: now Hollybreeze has a mate? Snakescales really likes Mimicspots... T.T
hey earthie!?!!? do yuo know how to put on those little pics? ya know, of yuor wotf cat? *!!!!! i gott go... -_-'... talk to my peeps lata!!!!
[img]Paste a web address here[/img]
Oh my God, I have so many kits and apprentices! Icepaw, Blizzardpaw, Stripedkit, Snowkit, Bronzekit, plus Earthies unborn kits and I know that Sparky is going to make Thornclaws get preggers soon because that's all Thornclaws ever wanted in this world XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I can't remember my dream.
Lol check this out, I made it for the scratch newspaper XD I'm a cartoonist for it.
http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac29 … otobed.png
I wanna do it but they didn't say if I got the part. i don't blame them though.
Earthsong wrote:
lol aperently my friend wants to make a sword in metal shop class XD
In school!? Good luck XD