Wavekit nad Stonekit asked,"How did you earn your warrior name?" Wavekit asked,"Didja kill a shadowclan warrior?" Stonekit added,"Or a Darkclan one?"
Pokemaster12 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol I'll ask Dream-Caster. we're like, best friends XD but seriously, we smack on people A LOT.
Okay, I SWEAR I won't say a thing! Tell her that You can smack on me, whatever punishment you want if I tell!
dream-caster is a boy o.o lol
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol I'll ask Dream-Caster. we're like, best friends XD but seriously, we smack on people A LOT.
Okay, I SWEAR I won't say a thing! Tell her that You can smack on me, whatever punishment you want if I tell!
dream-caster is a boy o.o lol
Sorreh X3
OK, I'll post the link on your first project, and then as soon as you get it delete the comment. please. I don't want all of scratch on that chat.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
OK, I'll post the link on your first project, and then as soon as you get it delete the comment. please. I don't want all of scratch on that chat.
Okay! Post it... now!
Wavekit and Stonekit both mewed,"We're gonna kill Shredslahs to become a warrior!"
"Mother!" mewled Butterflykit and Lilykit. "Bloodkit won't stop bugging us, she wants us to play-fight, but we want to stay in here." said Butterflykit. "Where is she now?" asked Rocktail, "she's outside with Boltkit and Ryekit" meowed Lilykit. Rocktail padded out of the nursery to see that Bloodkit pinned both of her brothers to the ground, "Bloodkit come here" said Rocktail. "Okay, am I in trouble?" asked Bloodkit "no, but you have to stop rough houseing with your brothers you are a lot stronger than them." meowed her mother
Nikki, Your Albino grew up and so did Psymgy (Or how ever you spell it XD) :P
Last edited by RobotKitty (2009-08-27 11:05:45)
Yo! What'd I miss?
A Chat, eh.....? Yea, I look at previous comments. I give me something to do.
hey tonks. i'm not really in the mood to RP, my internet is being stupid and super-slow, but I'll rp anyway ^^
nikkiperson2 wrote:
hey tonks. i'm not really in the mood to RP, my internet is being stupid and super-slow, but I'll rp anyway ^^
Yah minewas being like that too a few days ago XP I suprised that many(like none) people in WOTF weren't on the forums at 10:30
Lookat this! http://dragcave.net/image/yUrv/1.gif So cool....///Ratpaw asked,"Did I do okay?"
Tonks Hi
Hi! My phone isn't letting me call u D: Hey, where's the Darkness? Nu liiiight XD
Lawls wanna make one XD///Reedkit mewed to Bloodkit,'Hi..' NIKKI REPLY
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-27 13:46:55)
Reedkit frowned."Um....okay...."
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-27 13:58:24)