Foxtrot grunted. "Come here, you two," he scolded, picking them up by their scruffs. "You two are getting into nothing but trouble. I'm going to take you to your parents." he meowed. "Unless you say you're sorry, and help me clean up this mess you've made."
dustkit ran and tackled tabbypelt, bumping into his chest to knock the breath out of him. ''i got you!'' he purred, jumping onto his brothers back, wrestling. ''i'm better than a warrior!'' he laughed/////thornclaw smiled. ''it's supposed to make the cat who loves someone happy. they way you're supposed to feel towards your parents, and your brothers and sisters. love can also be turned into friendship, and to make people laugh and smile. it's supposed to make you happy...but sometimes it can if your heart is broken, of if someone you care for the most is killed...'' she said, thinking of her lost family.
Wavekit sighed, and he meowed,"Alright!" Stonekit mewed,"We'll help." they started to pick up the leaves. Stonekit mewed,"This one tastes good!" And started to chew it.
Shadetooth frowned. "Oh...I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry I called you weak. I didn't mean any of it." he apologized. He licked between her ears again and purred. he wanted this moment to last forever.
''it's fine...i'm not mad about that...i'm sad...because...well...your father killed all of my family...'' she said, tears popping back into her chocolate eyes.
"Don't eat the herbs!" he scolded. He carefully rolled a shiny dark red berry over to the kits. "See this? It looks tasty, doesn't it? well it may look tasty, but one bite and you will be walking with StarClan," he warned. "These are called Deathberries. Some herbs may look tasty, but the effects aren't always good if you aren't sick," he warned.
Wavekit mewed,"We won't!" With eide eyes, and Stonekit mewed,"Don't worry!" They picked up a dock leaf, nad handed it to Foxtrot, asking,'Is this okay to eat?"
Foxtrot took the leaf and gingerly put it into the pile of other dock leaves. "I wouldn't eat any herbs here. We need to save them for sick cats. What if some cat got sick, and we didn't have enough because you ate them?" he asked softly. "when you're sick, come to me, and I'll tell you which ones are ok to eat." he assured.
"I....I know. I feel terrible about that now." He murmured. As bad as he felt, he still felt the tug of bloodlust at his claws. He still wanted to kill, but he wanted to be with Thornclaws.
"Okay!" They both told him. They paused, then meowed,"We won't do it again!" They ran out, and Wavekit breathed a sigh of relief. "At least he didn't tell Scyhtheclaw!" Stonekit nodded, and she replied,"He would have had our tails!" They ran right into Cobrastrike, not looking where they were going.
thornclaws smiled. ''well, i'm going to sleep. see you in the morning. tell tigerfang i said goodnight. by the way, he's joining the clan'' she said. she closed her eyes and was instantly asleep. (cuz i g2g...verysadly)
Cobrastrike flinched, and realized it was just a couple of kits. "Oh, hello kits," he purred. he rubbed his paw over the fur on the top of Wavekit's head, messing it up.///Shadetooth nodded, and rasped his tongue rhythmically over her head, trying to help her get to sleep. He closed his eyes and purred as he did.
Wavekit flinched, and Stonekit told Cobrastrike,"Don't eat deathberries. They'll kill you!" Wavekit nodded,"Yeah, you'll die!"
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Could you give me the url to that chat? And, wow.... lolz!
Cobrastrike purred with amusement. "I know that, every kit learns it at one time or another," he meowed. "When I was a kit, my brother Grayfoot almost ate one. But I told him it wasn't a good idea, and then the medicine cat told us they were poison." He meowed. (you weren't there XD)
Pokemaster12 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Could you give me the url to that chat? And, wow.... lolz!
can't D: it's kind of private lol. But if I did give it to you you must PROMISE never to speak of anything said there XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Could you give me the url to that chat? And, wow.... lolz!
can't D: it's kind of private lol. But if I did give it to you you must PROMISE never to speak of anything said there XD
Of course! I won't I swear! *Crosses heart* Trust me, I say a lot of things. YOu should hear me at a would you rather game.....
Wavekit's eyes widened, and Stonekit mewed,"Really?" Wavekit purrred, "You're a good brother!" And stonekit modded in agreement.
lol I'll ask Dream-Caster. we're like, best friends XD but seriously, we smack on people A LOT.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol I'll ask Dream-Caster. we're like, best friends XD but seriously, we smack on people A LOT.
Okay, I SWEAR I won't say a thing! Tell her that You can smack on me, whatever punishment you want if I tell!
Cobrastrike purred. "I guess I am!" He puffed his chest out proudly.
I'll give you the link, once i get off my DSi. lol. my laptop needs to charge for like another minute
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Cobrastrike purred. "I guess I am!" He puffed his chest out proudly.
I'll give you the link, once i get off my DSi. lol. my laptop needs to charge for like another minute
Sure, lolz!