Shadetooth sighed, and dragged the body out of camp. Foxes would eventually come and take it away. He dragged Thornclaws into the warriors den and curled up at the opposite end. He wasn't sure about this 'love' thing.
thornclaw woke up a long while later. she yawned and stretched. she walked out of the den. she wanted to go hunting, but it was late. she shivered at the memory of seeing the cat drained. she noticed tigerfang and walked over to him. ''hey'' she sat down next to him. ''thanks for your help...'' she said.
Offline u guyz have 2 click em. my twin needs her eggz clicked!
Tigerfang purred. "no problem. He probly loved you all along, but seeing someone try to make a move on you made him realize that you weren't his until he made it happen," He guessed.
Shadetooth watched them talk from the warriors den. He rested his head down on the moss, and sighed. the feeling in his stomach wouldn't let up, and now it was making him feel hollow inside because she wasn't close to him. He wished it would go away, but at the same time he wanted it.
''thanks'' she purred. she leaned on him a little. ''it's all thanks to you. your acting was wonderful!'' she purred. ''totally believable!'' she smiled.
woot! yay 4 depressing music! o, and i'm pretty sure that shade now likes thorn, but what about tiger. he seems like he likes her 2? idk. maybe he's just a good actor
Tigerfang purred. "I've acted my way out of things before," he meowed, shuddering whenhe remembered how he faked his own death earlier that day. "And now maybe you can have your own kits one day instead of taking Stealthfur's," he added.
''i doubt it...he HATES should've seen him! he was going to kill them!'' she said, horrified. the image of the drained cat kept coming into her mind. she shivered fiercely.
nikkiperson2 wrote: all my hatchies/eggies
Whitecloud shrugged. "You'd be surprised. Maybe he'll warm up to them," He suggested. He could see how lonely Shadetooth looked, and he smiled. "Maybe you should go over there. He looks like he wants some company," He meowed.
o rly? Whitecloud said dat?
''yeah'' she got up and ran over to shadetooth. ''hey...don't look so sad...'' she purred, leaning on him lightly. she rested her tail out behind her. she didn't want to curl up and fall asleep.
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote: all my hatchies/eggies
Whitecloud shrugged. "You'd be surprised. Maybe he'll warm up to them," He suggested. He could see how lonely Shadetooth looked, and he smiled. "Maybe you should go over there. He looks like he wants some company," He meowed.o rly? Whitecloud said dat?
ehhh I meant Tigerfang XD you know what I meant! lol. And hey poke!~
Shadetooth purred and rasped his tongue between her ears. "Erm...Hi." He meowed. He wasn't sure if he was doing the whole 'romance' thing correctly. He curled his tail around to flick her on the nose with it, and then twined it with hers.
Wavekit and Stonekit were, of course, causing trouble around Eagleclan camp. They hid in the bushes, and were watching Shadetooth and Thornclaws.
she smiled. this was a happy feeling. a good time. her broken leg hurt like no cat would believe, though. all the walking did no good for it. ////////whitecloud was sitting by the river, deep in thought////crystallight noticed that dustkit had woken up. he was looking for his older brother. ''tabbypelt. ... momma...where is he. i wanna play!'' he said, his tiny voice echoing in the small nursery.
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Wavekit and Stonekit were, of course, causing trouble around Eagleclan camp. They hid in the bushes, and were watching Shadetooth and Thornclaws.
they iz in darkclan, not eagleclan
IS DARKFIRE HERE!?!?!?! (arcanine3545) yeah yeah... still don;t have a little pic. -_-'
sparkygirl wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Wavekit and Stonekit were, of course, causing trouble around Eagleclan camp. They hid in the bushes, and were watching Shadetooth and Thornclaws.
they iz in darkclan, not eagleclan
Oh, I thought Tigerfang was in Ealgeclan still X3
Pokemaster12 wrote:
sparkygirl wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Wavekit and Stonekit were, of course, causing trouble around Eagleclan camp. They hid in the bushes, and were watching Shadetooth and Thornclaws.
they iz in darkclan, not eagleclan
Oh, I thought Tigerfang was in Ealgeclan still X3
nope. he left
Wavekit and Stonekit crashed through the fresh-kill pile, and ran into the medicine cat's den. They ran straight through the herbs, scattering them everywhere.
Hawkfoot chimed up. "Tabbypelt is on patrol, but he should be coming back very shortly," He purred to his son. Tabbypelt walked into EagleClan camp a few heartbeats later, right on que.///Shadetooth purred. "Is this how love is supposed to feel?" he asked. He spoke happily for one of the first times in his life. For once, he thought of another cat in a good way instead of plotting how many different ways he could kill them in a few heartbeats.