Shadetooth noticed Thornclaws and rolled his eyes. He padded over to Tigerfang. "As long as you're living here, you have to live like a DarkClan cat. no more Mr. sensitive," he growled.
thornclaws took a few steps back, embarraced. ''i'm sorry,'' she was still dripping wet.
"Lemmye guess. you fell in the river? looks like you found someone new to save you, eh?" Shadetooth laughed sarcastically. Tigerfang examined Shadetooth's personality. he seemed jealous. "Yes. She did." Tigerfang narrowed his eyes. He could see Shadetooth try to hide his sudden disomfort.
''n-no! he was just...there...and i didn't'' she stumbled around her words like an idiot. she could hardly put together a sentance. she glanced up at shadetooth, then back to tigerfang, then to shadetooth, then back to her paws.
Ratpaw nodded."Okay." She got ready.
Shadetooth snarled at Tigerfang. "You're no better than a peice of Fox-dung, so she deserves you." He snarled. He glanced at Thornclaws, and for a split-second he felt something in the pit of his stomach. he couldn't tell what it was.
thornclaws looked up when he did. she looked down too fast for their eyes to meet, and raced into the warriors den, holding back her tears. she curled up in the very back, in a corner that she knew no one else like being in.
Ratpaw looked where Grayfoot was standing. She thought,"I'll look like I'll move to the left when I angle myelf,but them jump to the right!' She pounced.
Shadetooth felt it again. "Look what you did," Shadetooth growled. Tigerfang scoffed. "I didn't do a thing." he meowed calmly. Shadetooth dashed into the den. "I'," He choked out. the word felt like poison on his lips. he felt weird saying it, but he meant it.
thornclaws looked up. she could tell that even though it was a struggle, he meant it. ''thanks...'' she said. she smiled. the last few tears fell from her eyes.
ah! the power of jelousy!
Last edited by sparkygirl (2009-08-26 19:04:34)
Grayfoot saw at the last second Ratpaw's little trick, but it was too late to dodge now.
Shadetooth carefully held his paw up to her eyes and wiped the tears away. He felt weird doing that.
she was almost as shocked to see shadetooth being nice as she was when her family was killed ''who are you and what have you done with t he heartless shadetooth i know?'' she wanted to say. instead, she said, ''thanks...'' again
"He's still here," Shadetooth meowed coldly. "But he's holding back. Tell me, have you ever felt like you were about to get sick, but in a way it felt...kind of good?" he asked. (lah-lah-lah-lah-lovvvvve lol)
''i guess....but i wouldn't call it getting sick. it's called friendship, or if it's stronger, it's called love'' she said as if she REALLY knew. (she's as clueless as him. she's only THOUGHT she felt that way. lolz) her stomach growled loudly. ''i'm going to the fresh kill pile. wanna go?'' she asked, getting up, smiling. she walked out of the den and to the pile. ''hey, tigerfang, come join us!'' she called to him. ''it's been a while since i've seen any of my eagleclan friends'' she purred.
"I don't eat petty fresh-kill, I only drink cat blood," Shadetooth growled. Tigerfang rolled his eyes at Shadetooth, and padded over to Thornclaws and Shadetooth.
''still. come and at least BE over here, dumb furball...'' she muttered. she selected the smallest one she could fine and ate it in small slow bites.
Shadetooth lifted his nose in the air. "Just a moment." he bounded away, out of camp. Tigerfang blinked in confusion, shrugged, and took a plump rabbit from the pile. He drained it quickly, and licked the blood from his lips. a few minutes later, Shadetooth came back with a dead cat smelling of kittypet in his jaws. Tigerfang stared in shock at Shadetooth.
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-08-26 19:28:05)
thornclaws turned, saw the cat, and fainted.
Shadetooth shrugged, and drained the cat. His eyes shone brighter crimson red than before. "Thornclaws?" He meowed, and licked the blood from his lips. He grunted and prodded her. "Hey. Wake up."
thornclaws woke up halfway. she grunted. she saw the cats body and fainted again.