thornclaws just glared. ''MINE'' she insisted.
I Wanna Mah Kits!!!!!!
nikki, did u rpg flower and kaier
Stealthfur bared his teeth."You'll find a mate soon enough..!"
''what if i don't want one! i just want the kits! you don't understand! right now, their like family to me! the only family i've ever had! at least after shadowstar killed them!'' she snarled through teh kits fur. ''i'm never letting them leave! then i'll never see them again!'' she hissed.
OMG! i think i JUST finished the family tree! YESH! until whitecloud, tabbypelt and the kits find kits...then i'll have 2 add...AGAIN...and then i'll have 2 add THEIR families...
I never rp'd with Crystal's parents but they've been mentioned by Crystalwing many times.///Tigerfang sighed. "Thornclaws, I think you should give him back his kits." he suggested, putting one of his paws on hers, hoping maybe she would understand that they weren't hers.
"You'll see them at gatherings! That's good enough!" he hissed.
Nikki, RP In Demon rpg?
she ripped her paw away from his. ''NO!...they won't even remember me then....they won't care...but then one does'' he ears drooped and the kits dropped from her mouth. she stood up quickly and ran out of the den, turning quickly into the woods, running towards the river.
Stealthfur watched her go sadly."I didn't want to hurt her that much," he murmered and left with the kits to Sunclan(Sad...)
"Thornclaws!" Tigerfang shouted. He only knew her for not even a day, but he didn't want to see her harmed. He bolted after her.
she reached the edge. she didn't hesitate for even a second before leaping in.
Tigerfang leapt in after her. Thornclaws reminded her of Whitecloud...always trying to end her life when she didn't get what she wanted.
whitecloud was at the river, staring into it's depths when a cat zoomedby in the water. her eyes widened. she knew that cat. ''thornclaws?'' zooming after her was tigerfang. her heart split into a million pieces. she ran along the edge. when she was a good distance ahead, she reached a paw in and snagged onto thornclaws. she was too thin a weak to pull her out, and instead ended up falling in. (not when they don't get what they want. just when they feel like their when i feel unwanted, or greedy...or stupid...or do i need to continue? when i feel like that i tend to go looking for some way 2 get hurt w/o hurting myself on purpose. like some little accident waiting to happen...)
Tigerfang swam through the water frantically, and grabbed both of the she-cats by their scruffs. Whitecloud wa especially light. He heaved himself to shore, and let go of the she-cats.
thornclaws coughed out some water, then turned to glare at tigerfang. she collapsed moments later. whitecloud was looking at her paws, embarraced. ''sorry, tigerfang...i know i only bother you...that's why you left...'' she turned, ready to run away. her ears were flat against her head, tail drooping, dragging on the ground. she hid her tears, but she knew he could probably smell them. ''well...nice seeing you...'' her voice was choked with tears. ''momma's kits have been born, if your wondering. there were ones...the 2nd one was...dead...'' she turned to look at him for a second. ''i've miss you...but i know you want nothing to do with me, so i'll leave now...before this hurts any more...'' she started walking away. she was so thin that even the smallest gust of wind knocked her over.
"Whitecloud, that's not true!" He insisted. "I love you. but as a friend. And I think I'm going to stay in DarkClan," he murmured.
blarg! i have 2 eat vegitable 2nite! nooooooooooooooo!
''yeah, that's why you left...'' she muttered. then she was gone.///thornclaws blinked awake a few moments later. ''huh? oh, right!'' she glared up at tigerfang from her collapsed position. ''i WANTED to die, you know...'' she hissed. ''there's nothing here for one cares about me. i just want to join my family! what's wrong with that!''
Brb, i'm gonna go cook my dinner- I'm on my DSi, so I don't have to leave. lol my family rarely ever eats all together.
Stealthfur walked into to camp and dropped the kits."Are you two alright?" They nodded."Good.Now why did you go into Darkclan territory?" Reedkit lay down and whimpered."Pinekit wanted me to we went...then this big gray cat tricked us and hurt me..I hope I can see soon." Stealthfur looked at Reedkit sadly."Reedkit, I need to tell you something."