thornclaws nudged reedkit closer to herself, away from stealthfur. same with pinekit. she didn't trust the sunclan cat. she decided to go back to the topic of kits. ''these kits were kit-napped by shadetooth. he blinded reedkit. i saved them. now i'm keeping them. i love them as if they were my own. especially since i'll never have my own. shadetooth, and every other cat in this clan and all the others, wouldn't dare love a cat like me...i'm a worthless she-cat who can't fight and who can't be loyal to the clan she was born in...'' she sighed, blinking back tears that were burning in her dark brown eyes.
Tigerfang glanced over at Shadetooth. he didn't like the dark tom very much.he turned back to Reedkit. "Yes, he was a great leader. But he was murdered by the evil Shadowstar," Tigerfang meowed. Shadetooth laughed. "That weakling allowed Shadowstar to kill him! He didn't want to see his Clan go down, and handed it over to Shadowstar so no cat would get hurt," he lauged. "It was noble," Tigefang mewed.
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-08-26 16:40:32)
''oh, have you gone to see crystallight's kits yet? what about whitecloud...i think you need to pay her a visit...she probably needs to be cheered up. afterall, weren't you the cat who faked his own death to get away from her?'' she said. ''wouldn't whitecloud just suffer more from that? imagine how hurt she feels...''
Stealthfur narrowed his eyes at Shadetooth."So you hurt my kits?"(Me: Who cares?Whack 'im for insulting Beetlestar!*smacks Shadetooth*
Tigerfang sighed. "Maybe later. I need some time to think, you know." He murmured. "and you're not worthless. Gentle is not the same thing as worthless." he meowed, his golden eyes burning into her brown ones. Shadetooth just scoffed in disgust.
thornclaws turned her head away, resting it lightly on her paws, gazing out at shadetooth. she sighed, and fell into a deep sleep
"Yes, I slashed him, and I'd do it to you, too," Shadetooth growled at Stealthfur. "What are you doing in DarkClan, anyway? get out of here!" he snarled.
Tigerfang watched Thornclaws sleep for a few heartbeats, and turned to the kits. "Shadetooth isn't very friendly, is he?" he asked.
Stealthfur growled."Not without my kits!"
thornclaws yawned away a long few moments later. she immidiately checked that the kits were still nearby. thye were curled up next to her. good. she smiled and gave them eacha quick lick. the next thing she did was look for shadetooth, then stealthfur. they were argueing. she remembered tigerfang and blushed fiercely. she just KNEW he'd must've watched her sleep. alot of vampires did when they wanted to see how cats looked when they slept, seeing as vampires don't sleep.
Shadetooth narrowed his eyes. "Then take them.nIt's not like I want them around," he growled.///"So do you know why Shadetooth doesn't like you? You seem really nice." He meowed, rolling onto his back so his belly stuck up.
who were hawkie's parents? and the parents of his parents? and so on until u get back 2 the origonal catz. same w/ bristletail's family.
(who'd tiger ask?) ''NO! i'll never let reedkit and pinekit leave!'' thornclaws spat
*i pop up as a banana* *sings do you like waffles*
Bristletail was a rogue kit who showed up one day. Hawkies parents are Crystalwing and Nightstar, Crystalwing's parents are a kittypet named Flower and a Striped Fox named Kaiser. Nightstar's parents are Midnigtstar, and I don't know who is mom is.
Stealthfur looked at his kits."We're going." He picked them up.
''i don't know...if i did, maybe i could change...'' she sighed, brown eyes shining with tears.
''PUT THEM DOWN!'' thornclaws hissed, attacking stealthfur. she snatched away kits carefully, quickly trotting back into the warriors den with them. maybe this newcomer, tigerfang, would help her. she wrapped her tail around teh kits defensively. ''i'm not letting the leave!''
Stealthfur bristled at Thornclaws."They're mine! They HAVE to go back! There mother will miss them!"
(i'm making a HUGE family picture. who's died so far? mudkit...hookedtooth died...and leafclaw...and creamclaw...who else....lolz i'm adding wings 2 the 1's that r dead)
Tigerfang realized how much Thornclaws loved the kits, so he stood defensivly in front of her. "Sorry, guy," Tigerfang meowed.
''leave without them! have more kits! i know i'll never have my own, so i'm taking these ones!'' she said, her eyes pleading.
i'm getting lazy w/ da drawinz
"You don't know if you'll never have kits. Maybe Shadetooth just isn't the right cat for you?" He suggested.