Robotkitty's egg farm is just a little bit closer to getting more eggs :D All of my hatchlings have signs of maturity :D
Last edited by RobotKitty (2009-08-26 13:18:42)
lol XD most of mine do, too. we should make a gallery where we can just chat about eggs so we don't have to spam up the forums
True... I will make it XD Teh link
Last edited by RobotKitty (2009-08-26 13:23:52)
i kno lol im just trying to figure sumthing out in the forums for a sec
Offline keep refreshing the page until you dont see anymore views being added please! srry for spam...
nikkiperson2 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote: … chsDay.jpg This is my comic for the scratch newspaper >;3
What program do you use it look way beeter tht I could do
PLZ I SUMMON ALL OF CHU O: Ohh waka-wake hand swish wake-thingieI used the program that every computer has XD it's an amazing thing called...'Paint' lol.
Not macs T_T ugh I wan't it even tho when I use it I think it's LAME-O
Stealthie's visiting Darkclan I think..yah
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-26 15:28:26)
thornclaws is in darkclan
Hawkfoot raced into the nursery. "Foxtrot!" Hawkfoot called the EagleClan medicine cat over. Tabbypelt trotted over.
crystallight was in the nursery, sleeping. her belly was HUGE, but not TOO big. she felt a large amount of pain upon waking up. she knew what was happening. ''HAWKFOOT!'' she cried. ''get the kits...and the medicine cat!'' she cried. she wanted tabbypelt andwhitecloud to see their kin being born. ////////thornclaws scented eagleclan. her home! she leapt up. ''i'll be back. if you take them i'll eat you alive!'' she hissed, running out of the den towards tigerfang. ''oh...great starclan! you were hit by a monster! i see it's black pawprints on your back! wait...t-tigerfang! what are you doing here...waht happened!'' she yelped./////beepaw yawned and turned over. today she would be a warrior. she turned to face sparkpaw. ''um...i can talk to wolfstar, if you want...''
Stealthfur began licking he top of Pinekit's head."We have to go soon."
whitecloud miserably walked into the nursery. her eyes were dull. if it was possible, she would be even more thin than she was moons ago. crystallight's eyes were wide, pain running through her. after a LONG while, the first kit came. it was a silver cat with chocolate brown eyes. the second came soon after. it was dead. a third came.
why, because of the pig?///You, intruder!" Shadetooth ran over to Tigerfang and dragged him to the center of camp.
Stealthfur scented a Darkclan cat nearby, and it wasn't Thornclaws or Dovewing. He looked outside the den. It was Shadetooth.
beepaw backed up. ''i'm...sorry...'' she didn't like it that he was mad at her////thornclaws snapped her teeth at shadetooth. ''back off! he's hurt! can't you see that!'' she knew he was a vampire, like most of the other cats, but...she couldn't help feeling bad for him. she turned to face shadetooth, a look in her eyes that told exactly how she felt about him. she hated him. yet...she didn't. she could never.../////////////crystallight licked the two living kits, avoiding looking at the dead one. whitecloud looked at the cold, stiff body. it was brown, and small. it's pale blue eyes were open, as if it'd died screaming in pain. she turned away, sickened by the sight, and ran out of the nursery.
Hawkfoot stiffled a whimper of sadness at the stillborn kit. (I want only one, a white she-cat with brown eyes and thin brown stripes named Snowkit.)
Offline check em out! (nikki, the 3rd 1 iz urz)