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#1 2009-08-26 13:31:17

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 35

Opening Window...

It seems to me that While Scratch in Primarily a Programming Learning Tool,
There is Still The =Problem= of Viewing/Using a Finished Program.
When you Open a Scratch Application, The Relevant Viewing Window and Operational Features Take Up only a Very Small Corner of The Presentation Window...!
- -
Maybe it would be Better if after you've finished a program, you could somehow mark it at Finished, and thereafter, whenever you, or someone else opened it, The Viewing Window would be pretty much the only Visible Viewing Pane.
There might be some additional buttons on the top or side, But The Programming Panes would be suppressed!
It would still be possible to reopen a Finished Program via The Files Menu, or somesuch, by the Original Author or Anyone Else.


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