Shadowstar pounced on Scytheclaw. "Where do you think your going?" he snarled. "Tallstar, show this Eagleclan * some manners. Shredslash, take the kits. Kill them if Scytheclaw objects."///////Brambleheart stood defensivly over Hollybreeze, not going to let the big black dog get her
Tallstar lashed his tail. "With pleasure," he snarled, narrowing his eyes at Scytheclaw.///Cobrastrike yawned again. "Lets' go visit her," he suggested, getting to his paws, and walking toward his sister.
Shadowstar smiled devilishly and jumped off Scytheclaw. He continued walking to Darkclan. "Shadetooth!" he called his son.//////The dog started cirlcing Brambleheart. "Cat cat Kill kill!" it kept barking. "Yes. This kitty cat is gonna kill you!" Brambleheart snarled, launching himself at the dog
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-08-25 18:47:47)
Hello? I just joined
Scytheclaw managed to get out,"Run, kits! RUN!" Wavekit and Stonekit took off, only to be stopped by Shredslahs. "Where do you think you're going?" he growled, his eyes glittering dangerously. Wavekit ran between his legs, and Stonekit jumped, landing on his head, then scrambling over. They tore for the Eagleclan border, screeching their heads off. Shredslash got up, and swore, and took off after the kits.
Hawkfire nodded, and meowed once they got there,"Hi, Berrypelt! How's is going?"
Foxkit jumped on Shredslashs back and stayed there, glad that the rival warrior wasn't noticing him./// HIA ALPHA!
What happened? What's this about Eagleclan and Tallstar and such?
Stealthfur went away from the nursery to look for Shadetooth. He angrily padded through the ominous camp.
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-25 18:53:21)
Shadetooth lifted his head. "Yes, father?" he asked, hoping to go out on a mission.///Tallstar circled around Scytheclaw, hissing.///hai alphie >:3
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Nikki Get Ure Butt 2 Dragnet If U Want A Double Headed Dragon Egg!
I just went and there were like 4 in the abandoned eggs thing! someone must have just bred some.
Stealthfur peered catiously through the dens, hoping to find that fox-hearted kit-attacker.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
haha wolfie! I got a split egg too!
cuz i told ja joo heres my drag account alpha:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
haha wolfie! I got a split egg too!
cuz i told ja joo heres my drag account alpha:
D: Your balloon dragon..... :-|
"I scented dogs around Shadowclan territory and I didn't want you to miss the feast." Shadowstar said, his crimson eyes glistening. He was so thirsty, he felt like he was going to explode.///// Brambleheart wrestled with the dog. It wasn't that easy
Alphazulu wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
haha wolfie! I got a split egg too!
cuz i told ja joo heres my drag account alpha:
D: Your balloon dragon..... :-|
oh that? it hatched, but its on my other account
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Alphazulu wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
cuz i told ja joo heres my drag account alpha: Your balloon dragon..... :-|
oh that? it hatched, but its on my other account
..... I thought it died lol
Shadowstar lead his son back to Shadowclan, where he picked up Bloodfire and Blackice.////////brb
Shredslahs twisted, and got Foxkit off of him. Wavekit and Stonekit's cries could now be heard at Eagleclan camp. Scytheclaw's amber eyes flashed, and he lashed out with his sycthe-sharp claws. He snarled.
Shadetooth grinned, his fangs glinting. He stalked off to find the dogs. He'd filled up on a few wayward kittypets the day earlier, but he never denied fresh blood.
Foxkit dashed away while Shredslash was distracted.//////Shadowstar and the other vampire warriors followed Shadetooth.///// Brambleheart finnaly killed the dog. he just started to relax when he heard a rustle in the bushes.
Stonekit and Wavekit meowed,"Daddy! Come on!" Hawkfire heard their cries, and nudged Cobrastrike,"Come on! The clan's kits are in trouble!"