Wow that is a lot of the way, did you actually make an RPG that goes along with this post?
Yay My Dragon Hatched!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOPS I didn't see your comment saying he followed, wolf XD
Hollybreeze scented out the place, her nose scrunched as ShadowClan's foul smell drifted around her. She led him to a beautiful clearing, with pools of bubbling hot springs. (it's Frosty Gardens, remember the place Shadowstar brought Frostbite? lol)
Um which clan D8
Hey poke!~
Cobrastrike blew a feather floating over his face higher into the air. He looked around for anything-or anyone- that seemed interesting.
"Nice place, though it smells vaguely of dogs." Brambleheart said, looking around the place. he wrinkled his nose. "And Shadowstar. But if you like it, then so do I" he purred
owowowowowowowOWWWWWWWW i got horrible swimmers ear!
Hollybreeze knocked him over. "You're it," she purred playfully, and went romping away to find someplace to hide so she wouldn't get caught.
Brambleheart followed her, a smile widening on his face
ma dragons r so friggn cuter den nikkis! XP./////// He caught her. "You it!" he said, and climed up a high tree. He froze, and sniffed the air
& mines related 2 a geo egg! >XP//////"We have to go. Now." Brambleheart said///////ooooh dis is not going 2 b thar day C8<
Wolf_warrior wrote:
ma dragons r so friggn cuter den nikkis! XP./////// He caught her. "You it!" he said, and climed up a high tree. He froze, and sniffed the air
mine are cuter > look at my othah drags.
Hollybreeze giggled, and looked around to find Brambleheart. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" she teased, looking. She saw his tail hanging from a tree branch, and silently climbed it. She prowled up to him without making a sound. "Found you!" she meowed, and flicked her tail onto his back. She went to jump off the branch, but lost her footing and slipped. She managed to catch herself by her two front paws, barley hanging with her legs thrashing in the air to find some kind of foothold. "Help!" she cried.
....maybe Midnightclan or Eagleclan..
Brambleheart leaned in to help Hollybreeze when his eyes widened. Suddenly, a giant balck dog charged out of the forest.//////THe black dog zeroed in on the cats *cat kill Pack. Skull kill cats!* the dog thought. it lunged for Hollybreeze
some1 click my black egg! i click away from hatching!
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-08-25 18:32:13)
Hollybreeze yelped and lifted her legs and tail higher into the air, using all of her strength, so the dog couldn't get her. "Please help me!" she wailed at Brambleheart. "I'm going to fall, and he's going to get me!"
OMG tonks u should get a whiplash dragon & name it Tonks or Beeltestar cuz when i c a whiplash dragon i think of u XD.////// Brambleheart grabbed her by the scruff and threw her into an owl hole. He beared his fangs and his hackles raised. "Hollybreeze, while I distract the dog, ru-AAAAAAAH!" Brambleheart said as the dog rammed the tree and he fell
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-08-25 18:35:01)
Cobrastrike shrugged. "Nothing really," he yawned. He playfully cuffed her across the chest, and then flinched, hoping she wouldn't hit him back harder. "How's Berrypelt doing? She twisted her leg really bad when you guys were getting Tallstar to chase you," he murmured.///Berrypelt sat in the med. den. "Father, when can I leave?" she asked. Foxtrot looked at her leg, and put another poultice on it. "Not for at least a moon." he meowed.
Hollybreeze gasped, and leapt out of the tree to try and save Brambleheart. She landed hard, forgetting that Brambleheart was nearly unbreakable, and had his long claws to defend him. She landed with a thud, Her breath being knocked out of her. She opened her eyes weakly, but everything went hazy and dark as she went out-cold.
"I think she's fine," Hawkfire replied, and let out a mrrrow of laughter seeing him flinch./// Scytheclaw was leading his kits away from Shadowclan as fast as he could.
I guess she'll be in Eagleclan.///Ratpaw was laying by the soil, trying to draw a tulip with her claws. BRB!