...because they can't. When you delete a member, their project stays there. This is raising a little commotion in my gallery. Please add the ability for gallery owners to delete projects from their galleries. Thanks!
Many people have raised questions about Galleries. We are in the process of rethinking the way Galleries work. Here is one alternative we're considering:
* Everyone can add their own projects to any Gallery.
* A Gallery owner can add any project (by anyone) to their own Gallery.
* The Gallery owner can remove any project in their Gallery (so the Gallery owner can remove unwanted projects that were added by others)
* The owner of a project can remove their project from any Gallery (so if the project owner doesn't want their project featured in a Gallery, they can remove it).
What do you think of that approach? We want to keep things simple, but also offer the right functionality.
Other Gallery-related features that we're considering:
* Each project could have a listing of what Galleries it is in
* Rather than "subscribing" to a Gallery, you could just select it as a "Favorite" (as you currently do with projects).
Let us know if you have other ideas/suggestions for Galleries...
Mitch Resnick
MIT Scratch Team
Great, I love it!
The subscribing thing is O.K., but I like everything else.
Let the gallery owner decide whether people can post their own projects or not.
If someone tries to post to a gallery that the owner has not made open, then the owner should get a request to accept project X for gallery Y, which the owner can accept or not.
This would provide good control for school-specific galleries (better than having to keep monitoring and cleaning up a gallery that some unaffiliated person adds to).
I agree with kevin_karplus, at least have requests.
I think that we should keep everything the way it is except the gallery owner has almost complete control...like for example. Lets say that Bob wants me to join his gallery. I agree and i send any games i want featured. to bob. then bob takes them and chooses which ones he wants to feature. Here is another example. say i wanna join bob's gallery. so i send a request to his "my stuff" page. when he recieves it he can either allow or not allow the person to join. Then the same process happens where i send my projects to bob. i don't think that we should have it so free as to allow people to just post any project they want in any gallery. last i think that the owner of the gallery may want to remove some projects from his gallery later. he should be allowed to do this too.
One more thing. y are there so many usless gallerys that people make not posting anything in the gallery?
Yes. We're also considering having galleries without projects become automatically deleted after a certain amount of time. Thanks for the gallery improvement suggestions!
Yes, do that! I hate (and so does hypervolts) the useless galleries.
I would like to see official galleries. That way you could choose the best projects and make them featured, perhaps with a bit of extra commentary to highlight what to look for in the project. If you're starting new then it would help to see good projects, without having to plunge in to all the dross that gets uploaded every minute.
At the moment you sort-of have this via the projects that are installed with the application, but that's a fixed set.
A new feature has been added to the site that lets you see the number of projects inside a gallery. Also, the galleries with zero projects are not being listed when browsing galleries. They are, however, still available if you know the full URL.
More improvements to the gallery system coming.
Thank you! Now we need to let gallery owners delete projects...
Anyways, thank you!
Maybe only games with certain tags, (chosen by the owner), would be able to be previewed in the chosen gallery. Now, these choices probably shouldn't be seen by the public (the members) except the gallery owner, because if a member created a game about dogs and the gallery owner put "learning ideas" as an excepted tag, the project would NOT be previewed. I believe there should be a system like this because, (ex.) I go to galleries where the title is, suppose, "Cats", and there are games maybe about a whole different subject!
I think the gallery owner SHOULD have the power to delete the unwanted projects from his/her gallery. I once had a gallery with all these projects, (Called the Cartoon/Animation Gallery) but since somebody added projects not relating to the category of cartoons and animations, I had to delete the gallery and create a whole new one. It was frustrating because I already had many projects in the gallery before I deleted it. Can Scratch plz fix this problem?
I have like 5 or 6 off topic projects
Yeah, so you two have the same problem. I don't understand why some projects are in my gallery, "girls voices come alive". i'll check again at the gallery, to make sure they're on subject.
the unused gallerys are made for comments. theyre like chat rooms. there might not be any projects, nut there would be 1,000,000s of comments!
You you look at my I Need Sprites! gallery, you will see that it has turned into a gallery of off-topic projects!
Last edited by MyRedNeptune (2007-08-18 03:04:11)
Same with my painting. The first person who added stuff was Vci8 who abused many galleries and has many complaints.
More people agree:
Gallery owners *can* now add and remove projects from their galleries at will. In fact, the default setting for galleries is that *only* the owner can add and remove stuff (though the owners can change that setting to allow others to post to the gallery).
Thanks for letting some of the people here know! I forgot to post that.