A couple of times in the past couple of days I have gotten
"You have NaN"
on the Messages screen, after deleting my messages. Back in my real programming days, NaN ment "Not a Number" and it usually ment something bad had happened to your variable. Thought you might like to check on any recent changes to the code that handles message counts.
That happened to me too!
Click the NaN. It will then go away. Just don't click back in your browser.
Yeah, same as dialga for me, or whenever I've deleted all my messages.
Usually this appears when I delete all my messages, but sometimes it appears when I only delete one.
I finally sent an email to the Scratch team about this bug as I wasn't sure they were aware of it. They acknowledged that it was a bug and that they would fix it soon. So that is good news!
andresmh, I think I saw the NaN message still this morning, so I'm not sure its really fixed.
The new website code that was installed this weekend seems not to have been the beta release you were having a few people look at, but the same buggy code that was tried out before. What's up with the ScratchR release protocol?
I haven't been able to replicate the NaN message. The code released is the same (plus some changes for IE6 support) as the one beta tested. Seems like the bugs people have found are new or specific to Firefox for Mac? We are using svn for source control of the ScratchR code and the code on the production site is up to date. We have gotten great bug reports from everyone. We'll work on the issues reported.
Put a comment on one of my projects or galleries, and I check if the NaN message problem still happens now that I've cleared my browser cache.
The NaN bug is not there any more. i think that emptying my cache so that a new .css file was downloaded fixed a number of the problems, though not the missing Contact Us page.