remember warriors of the shadows oceanfang and moonclaw blackstar and snakestar
illegal mating o yeah...
packman214 wrote:
remember warriors of the shadows oceanfang and moonclaw blackstar and snakestar
illegal mating o yeah...
lol we don't need to talk about this here XD
it is nice out side. My mother thinks im a vampire because im so pale. I stopped going outside for a week ago. Yersterday I went outside to mow the lawn and i was like my skin it burrrrns. So now I think shes watching me waiting to force me outside. D8
What's going on??? Sorry I had to leave, packing for middle school. Ahhhh... I'm kinda freaked.
i tried i fell asleep watching homemovies the best show ever coach mcguirk is the best character
nikkiperson2 wrote:
packman214 wrote:
remember warriors of the shadows oceanfang and moonclaw blackstar and snakestar
illegal mating o we don't need to talk about this here XD
yeah it was a joke
im getting my schedule today dude i have like vampire fangs nikki will back me up right nick
hj bmnbv
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-20 12:52:37)
packman214 wrote:
im getting my schedule today dude i have like vampire fangs nikki will back me up right nick
you have beaver teeth, not vampire fangs. lol
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I don't go to school until September 1st. muahha.
ya when do you get out muahahaha i get out in may luzr
I don't start school until Sept. 8th. HA. ///Beetlekit looked at Stealthfur."I was just exploring."
Let's just RP sorry I just want to get things done.
piemaster wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
I don't start school until Sept. 8th. HA. ///Beetlekit looked at Stealthfur."I was just exploring."
DX I start the 26th Of August.
me 2 i live in texas