MyRedNeptune wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Noblestep sighed, and shuddered, remembering his last moments of life. "I was murdered. " He meowed softly. "Me and Rosewing...we were running from DarkClan. from Tallstar. But he caught us." He shuddered.
No.... they were in SunClan and Noblestep went to DarkClan to investigate, and then Tallstar caught him >,>
oh yeah, that's right XD well it was like, litterally minutes after they'd come back from DarkClan.
Noblestep looked around. There was no sign of her. "No, I don't think so. Thank StarClan she's safe," He murmured.
"Oh, hi there!" Mountaindew mewed, gazing at the new cats. "Who are you two?"
Num num plum
Tigertail sighed in relief. "I hope the forest settles once again. The peace was so nice, and there is no need for senseless killing," she murmured. She looked at Noblestep. "I'm so sorry Noblestep. I wish I could do something...." she meowed.
Stealthfur looked at Tallstar and backed up, ready to spring. /// Beetlekit walked over to Owlstar."Where's my daddy?"
I love swimming! And despite the fact I nearly drown every time I go into any large body of water, I do not love drowning -.-
"There's nothing you can do. At least StarClan is peaceful," he meowed. he rubbed cheeks with his mate. "And we're together again, isn't that good?" he purred.
Rosewing smiled a bit. "I'm Rosewing." she meowed.
Tallstar hissed at Stealthfur. "I won't forget this," he spat. "I'll hunt you down," he growled. He walked away, furious. "nobody says no to me," he grumbled in a low voice. (Drama queen XD)
Owlstar looked at Mountaindew, then at Beetlekit, confused. "Who's your daddy?" he asked, trying not to scare the kid. Mountaindew walked up closer. "Hey guys. You two aren't from here, right?"
GTG...I think. *looks around*
Everybody act like shrubbery, my cousin is coming on and I want him to feel awkward. >:3
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Tallstar hissed at Stealthfur. "I won't forget this," he spat. "I'll hunt you down," he growled. He walked away, furious. "nobody says no to me," he grumbled in a low voice. (Drama queen XD)
lol Tallstar sorta reminds me of my dad, cept for the fact he's not ebil and isn't a cat...... >_>
Tigertail smiled. "Now I don't have to worry about you anymore, we'll be together for eternity," she purred.
m, gtg DX
Rosewing looked down at Beetlekit, and then back at Mountaindew. "We live in SunClan," She meowed. "so no, we aren't from around here. We haven't crossed the border, have we?" she asked fretfully.
"Yes," he purred. He padded foward and looked all around. He'd never imagined StarClan to be this beautiful. "I just hope Rosewing doesn't get too upset about it," he murmured sadly.
packman214 wrote:
blackpaw was pacing around trying to find owlstar
Lol I talked to Felicia last night >:3
hodang, Neptune left DX I'm doing something on paint, and I was gonna put it up and now she's not gonna see it >:3
packman214 wrote:
i thought you said myredneptune was on owlstar
she was, like 2 seconds before you came.
wait, you're living with aunty beth again? I thought you were living with Jen XD