Alphazulu wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol I'm never ever going to play WoW XD People get WAY too obsessed over it. I linked that video of the kid spazzing out because his account got cancelled, right?
I'm not obsessed with it. And besides, that guy has anger issues >:3
And it's WoW-like, not a WoW rpg.
My dad is obsessed with it D8<
I think it's nothing special though >.>
thornclaws nodded again, understanding. ''do you know where shadetooth is. wait till he sees that i'm in his clan!'' she purred.
"The last time I saw Shadetooth, he was fighting Wolfstar. (He's on pause.)" She meowed. "He'll be back with the rest of the raid, when they've either won or lost." She sighed.
"O rly?" said Owlstar xD .....and bounded after Rosewing, maneuvering between the tree trunks. Catching up to her, he jumped, and both of them stumbled on the ground. Flameriver watched from behind a tree.
Don't be dissing Runescape alpha XD ohmahgahd
can we RP as Noblestep and Tigertail, since they're both in StarClan now? :3
''i hope eagleclan is okay...some of my friends live there...and the medicine cat, nightwing...she was visiting....i hope she's okay. she used to be a darkclan cat. then she died...then she came back to she's a sunclan cat....i hopeshe's alright. she's nice...''
Rosewing laughed, rolling onto her back. "Cheater," She purred with amusement. She got to her paws and shook her pelt of any clingling leaves or dirt. "Where are we now? I don't think I've ever been in this part of the woods before," she murmured, observing her surroundings. Her fur prickled on end now, her joyful mood gone. She felt like she was being watched.
Alphazulu wrote:
Awwww, poor Noblestep, what happened?
Tallstar killed him when He and Rosewing were fleeing to SunClan
Owlstar noticed a familiar smell. They were in MidnightClan! "I... I think we went a bit too far..." Owlstar said, getting up. "We're in MidnightClan." Suddenly, there was a loud rustle in the bushes. Something was coming here! Owlstar's hair stood on end. He stared into the darkness, awaiting the appearance of the creature. It wasn't a cat - a cat is always silent.
Alphazulu wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Alphazulu wrote:
Awwww, poor Noblestep, what happened?
Tallstar killed him when He and Rosewing were fleeing to SunClan
D8 Another reason for me to hate Tallstar >_<
OMG! I love Tallstar! D:
It happened like 2 months ago, but lets act like he just died XD
Noblestep opened his eyes. He was in some sort of starry forest? He tensed up. StarClan. He felt a rush of anger- Tallstar wouldn't get away with it. He just prayed he wouldn't get Rosewing, too. He looked around, fascinated with his new environment.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Alphazulu wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Tallstar killed him when He and Rosewing were fleeing to SunClan![]()
D8 Another reason for me to hate Tallstar >_<
OMG! I love Tallstar! D:
I don't >_>
Killed Noblestep, tried to hurt Slatestrike's kits during a raid; now all he has to do is hurt Braveheart and I'm gonna strangle Nikki DX
"Noblestep?" a voice called. She was a faded image; her orange color was now a starry blue and her stripes no longer carved the shape of her face, for they too were light blurs in her being. She padded out into the clearing, her starry figure was bright in front of the night sky.
Noblestep gasped. "Tigertail!" he meowed in shock. He slowly approached her, after being without her for so long he almost didn't recognize her. Even with her starry appearance, he knew that voice anywhere.
Tallstar took out his to-do list. He scribbled down "Hurt Braveheart" on it, and drew a little check-off box next to it >:3
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Tallstar took out his to-do list. He scribbled down "Hurt Braveheart" on it, and drew a little check-off box next to it >:3
Whitetalon felt a disturbance in the force. "I'm going to have to kill Nikkiperson tomorrow," she meowed. X3
Last edited by Alphazulu (2009-08-20 10:43:03)
Noblestep sighed, and shuddered, remembering his last moments of life. "I was murdered. " He meowed softly. "Me and Rosewing...we were running from DarkClan. from Tallstar. But he caught us." He shuddered.
Owlstar could see a dark figure move slowly through the thicket. He tensed - it was about to step out into the clearing! The figure moved into the sunlight and revealed itself... as a cat! It was a grey tom with bright green eyes. He stopped, noticing the two. It was clearly a MidnightClan cat.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Noblestep sighed, and shuddered, remembering his last moments of life. "I was murdered. " He meowed softly. "Me and Rosewing...we were running from DarkClan. from Tallstar. But he caught us." He shuddered.
No.... they were in SunClan and Noblestep went to DarkClan to investigate, and then Tallstar caught him >,>
Rosewing's fur fell flat. She thought perhaps a ShadowClan or DarkClan cat had been watching them. She huddled closer to Owlstar instinctivly however, even if perhaps this cat was friendly, he looked menacing.