omg! owl chan! i luv dat picture!
sparkygirl wrote:
omg! owl chan! i luv dat picture!
Frostbite smiled. "ShadowClan and DarkClan are practically the same Clan, ShadowClan cats visit DarkClan often, as do DarkClan cats visit ShadowClan." She meowed. "And are you sure that you would get along with Shadetooth? You said he was a jerk who backstabbed you- that doesn't sound like any cat I would want to hang around with." she meowed.
Lol I will turn zarathustras animal friends into sammiches like we did with Tallie >:3
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I decided on Crescentfall. >.>
''yeah...your right. but if he's got any good in him, and i know he does, then i can try to bring it out. i know he's good, cuz he saved me when i was in teh river....i was trying to save him, but i don't know how to swim...'' thornclaws explained. ''i know i can help, even a little. plus...if i can visit shadowclan alot, i know i'll see you alot...and ...shadowstar....'' she snarled his name. ''do you think you could ask him to try to not kill as much...what if in his anger and all that he hurts you! that scares i'll be keeping a close eye on him!'' she sounded like a little apprentice, but she wasn't.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Lol I will turn zarathustras animal friends into sammiches like we did with Tallie >:3
Eagle sammich! :-D Serpent sammich! :-D
The proudest sammich in the world and the wisest sammich in the world! xD WHEEEEE!!!
Fine with me. x3
"He wouldn't hurt me," she meowed. "He did it once, and he promised he'd never do it again." She shook her stubby leg, sighing.
Lol I was going to make Icepaws warrior name Iceshard, but then I was like, "wait, her sister is named OMG THEY SHOULD BE ICESHARD AND SHARDICE XD
Owlstar grinned. Rosewing always guessed his intentions... or was he just that obvious? He nodded, "Ok. You lead then!" he smiled.
OMG OMG OMG OMG! i have soul candy! (from the anime/manga Bleach)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
"He wouldn't hurt me," she meowed. "He did it once, and he promised he'd never do it again." She shook her stubby leg, sighing.
Lol I was going to make Icepaws warrior name Iceshard, but then I was like, "wait, her sister is named OMG THEY SHOULD BE ICESHARD AND SHARDICE XD
XD Shard is gonna be Shardstone :3
thornclaws nodded again, understanding. ''do you know where shadetooth is. wait till he sees that i'm in his clan!'' she purred.
soul candy? lol is Bleach the show with the little lion doll :3
Rosewing purred. She trotted ahead, leaving camp. There was so much territory that had been undiscovered; She began to feel giddy inside- Now she knew why Owlstar always wanted to go on adventures.
I LUV SOUL CANDY! mine iz mint flavored. I LUV JAPANESE CANDY!
wazzup alpha?
HA! Nikki is a sammich! >xD
Owlstar followed after his mate. He was delighted - finally he could be free and not feel guilty! Meanwhile, a pair of eyes watched the pair from the shadows (even though they are blind xD). Flameriver crept after them, trying not to be noticed. Mountaindew walked along the SunClan border.
I'm a sammich? then I must eat myself!
ol I'm never ever going to play WoW XD People get WAY too obsessed over it. I linked that video of the kid spazzing out because his account got cancelled, right?
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-08-20 10:13:01)
thornclaws nodded again, understanding. ''do you know where shadetooth is. wait till he sees that i'm in his clan!'' she purred.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol I'm never ever going to play WoW XD People get WAY too obsessed over it. I linked that video of the kid spazzing out because his account got cancelled, right?
I'm not obsessed with it. And besides, that guy has anger issues >:3
And it's WoW-like, not a WoW rpg.
Nikki will chu RP with Rag? Dipped and Darkling already met, better hurry up before he steals your mate! xD
while you're at it, you might as well make a medicine cat named Dr.Pepper.
Rosewing began to run, she wanted to feel the wind in her whiskers. "Can't catch me," She called back at Owlstar playfully, speeding ahead.