thornclaws froze. SHADETOOTH...she thought. ''i hope you don't mind, but shadetooth is a jerk! you need to teach him to be kinder! he used me to get information to attack eagleclan! then tallstar catnapped me!'' she said, glaring at the ground.
Dappleflower looked down at them and grimaced. "Why don't we bring them to the medicine cat den? They don't look to well." She murmured. "EagleClan must really be a battlefeild right now," she sighed. She was glad she didn't live there anymore.
Frostbite sighed. "He's a lot like his father, he has a thick skull. There's really nothing I can do about that," she sighed.
crystallight nodded. she dragged nightwing and her kits to the med. den. whitecloud was so thin. she was scared for her daughter. she turned on tigerfang. ''you did this to her....what did you do! your all she ever talks about!''
Tigerfang stepped back in surprise. "I never did anything! I don't know why she's so obsessed with me- I mean, I want to be her friend, but...She's making it impossible for me!" he cried.
''yeah...'' thornclaws said. she smiled. ''but still. i think if he really works at it, he can be a good cat. remember the murderer, hawkfoot? he lives in eagleclan. now he's a good cat,'' she said. ''i think shadetooth will soften up someday.''
crystallight shook her head. ''i'm sorry, tigerfang. i know it's hard for you...i'm sorry i's's really hard seeing your daughter so wouldn't know...but...'' she couldn't finish. ''and why does she look so much like you! it's frightening! i know it's not your fault about her appearance, or your fault about her ... condition right now...but...i just...i can't stand to think that it's my fault...and it is...'' she started crying.
Owlstar craned his neck to look at Flameriver, who was lounging in the warriors' den, when he was distracted by Icekit. "Huh? Oh, right. Apprentices..." he mumbled in a dreamy voice. "Let's go," he nodded to his daughters and sprang upon Highrock.
Shardkit speeded after, pushing her sisters. "First!!" she cheered, reaching Highrock, and gazed at her siblings with triumph.
Owlstar shook his head and called the Clan to Highrock. "Today, Icekit, Crescentkit, and Shardkit are becoming apprentices! Let all cats of SunClan gather!"
And that means hooray for love triangles and RP in Guardians! :-D
foxheart sat down. he smiled. he loved when kits became apprentices. they were always so happy!
Tigerfang sighed. "it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. I told her that she had to move on, that we were never going to be together, but she wouldn't budge. I think...Do you think....Well, I think I might just go. I might go off and join MidnightClan or WaterClan or SunClan even- She needs to find a mate, or at least get some other friends besides just me." He meowed solemly.///Frostbite sighed. "I don't think that will ever happen. Do you want to see the warrior's den?" she asked.
Rosewing scurried up to her kits, and groomed their fur so it was sleek and shiny. "Mamma!" Icekit retaliated, hiding behind Shardkit.///Rag has a crush on Dipped Fingers? this is news to me, lol
''sure!'' thornclaws said excitedly.////crystallight nodded. ''i don't want you to leave, though...your my friend too...but you are right...i don't think she's friends with anyone'll be hard for her...but i don't think she wants a mate just yet, even if you loved her back. i think she just wants to know that she has friend and family that care. probably something like that...but...she really does like you...alot...and i know her father isn't to pleased about that,'' she said, smiling. ''but...if you least visit every once in a while. i don't want to be away from you forever, and i know she doesn't either'' she said sadly.
"I will. I'll know I always have family in EagleClan to come back to," he purred, touching his nose to hers. A low and menacing growl rose in Hawkfoot's throat.///Frostbite showed Thornclaws the warriors den, and the rest of the camp. "ShadowClan is just like all the other Clans, we're no different," she meowed. "Except for every other Clan besides DarkClan hates us..." she added quietly.
Flameriver peeked out of the warriors' den. "Hm, can the cat be more quiet?" he growled.
Shardkit forced herself to sit down, but she was so excited she couldn't keep still. "Congratulations, Icepaw, Crescentpaw and Shardpaw," Owlstar smiled at the apprentices. He tried to sound bold, but his mind was far away from the Clan. He wanted action, adventures. He was eager to explore. "Icekit and Crescentkit, your mentor will be Foxheart. Shardkit, your mentor will be Nightflower." He wanted to separete Shardkit from the other two - she always seemed to start fights.
''yeah....'' thornclaws felt a bit guilty. ''but still...'' she said. ''when everything is peaceful again, maybe...just maybe everything will be better...'' she smiled. '' you think....i could join darkclan?'' she asked.////crystallight smiled. ''yes. you always will,'' she said. she turned to hawkfoot and walked over to him. ''jelousy? that's unlike you. he's a friend, hawkfoot. your my mate...'' she said.
so is mine D:
Icepaw glanced at Foxheart. "Yay!" Se cried, filled with glee. She couldn't wait to start her apprentice duties. She tackled Foxheart, giggling.
foxheart looked shocked. ''both of them?'' he asked. ''i mean, yes, thank you owlstar!'' he said. he stood to go and touch noses as was traditional. then he was tackled by icepaw. '''ll start training tomorrow, okay? or too, (other1 who'z name i 4get cuz i'm editing...)'' he said, smiling
Last edited by sparkygirl (2009-08-20 09:44:46)
"jealousy is VERY like me," he smiled, swiping his tongue over her ear affectionatly. He couldn't supress his joy that Tigerfang was leaving. "Don't tell Whitecloud. Please." He meowed. "She won't let me go. It has to be a clean break." He sighed.///Frostbite purred. "I'm sure you could join right now, if Shadowstar wasn't still fighting in EagleClan." She purred.
crystallight nodded. ''i'll miss you...come to visit every so often...and stay safe...'' she meowed. she couldn't keep the worry from her voice, or the sadness. she stood back up and rushed over to him, laying her head on his shoulder. ''i'll miss you....i really will...your a good friend, so stay safe, okay? which clan will you join?'' she asked him.////''yes, but tallstar is leader of darkclan, is he not? i dislike him, cuz he cat-napped me, but i want to join darkclan so that i can be friends with shadetooth,'' she said.
Owlstar hopped down from Highrock. He was about to head to the forest to seek adventure when he noticed Rosewing. Oh, right, he has to keep his promise. Owlstar sighed and padded over to his mate. "Isn't it great? The children are apprentices now," he smiled sourly.
Mountaindew was starving. He padded over to the fresh kill pile and took out a large big hare. Munching loudly, he sat down and enjoyed his meal.
sparkygirl wrote:
(other1 who'z name i 4get cuz i'm editing...)
Crescentpaw. I wanna change her name because I just realized I couldn't think of a good suffix for Crescent! D:
"Yes, it's wonderfull," she meowed happily. She could see that Owlstar yearned to go get himself into all sorts of trouble in the forest. "Do you want to go...explore the forest? Now that I don't have to always watch the kits...We could explore together!" she purred. "Unless you want to go by yourself," she added solemnly.