thornclaws continued glaring. ''he killed my wouldn't understand, though! i have no family!!!!! alls he's doing is killing cats! no ones uniting, we're all being torn apart and killed!!!!!!'' she shouted. tears sprang to her eyes once again. ''you would never understand!''
Blizzardpaw narrowed his eyes. "All he's doing is getting rid of the weakest, stupidest cats," He growled. "So your family must have been weak and stupid!" He jeered. He chuckled bitterly and began walking back to camp again.///Tigerfang pretended to be defeated, and Tallstar yowled victoriously. He moved on to the next cat, and Hawkfoot called him over. When the coast was clear, they both ran back to where Nightwing ,Crystallight and his kits were.
"my family wasn't weak!" she snarled, launching herself at teh apprentice. ''they were defending me!!!!!!!!'' she wailed.///whitecloud was awake again. she was so thin that her bones showed through, making marks in her fur. ''tigerfang...'' she purred. ''good to see that you're okay...''
Tigerfang frowned. "You need to eat something," he meowed. His speech came out slurred, he was trying not to breathe in the bloody air. He looked up at Crystallight. "We need to go somewhere, somewhere that isn't under invasion," he meowed. Hawkfoot narrowed his eyes. "We could go to WaterClan. It's the closest from here." He suggested.///Blizzardpaw rolled out of the way. "They were protecting you? So maybe they weren't weak, but definetly stupid to protect you!" He jeered. Suddenly Blizzardpaw felt someone pin him down. "That's enough out of you," a she-cat hissed. It was Frostbite. She'd come back from battle, bloody and tired. She examined Thornclaws curiously. "Hello there," she meowed. "Who are you?"
thornclaws looked frightened. ''i'm the cat who's going to kill shadowstar!'' thornclaws hissed, deciding it would be bad to say her name. ''he killed my parents and my brothers and my sisters! i'll never let him get away with that'' she hissed.////''sure'' crystallight agreed. ''i'll carry nightwing...hawkfoot...could you get whitecloud. tigerfang...make sure that tabbypelt isn't left behind...'' she said. she picked up nightwing lightly and began dragging her to waterclan.////blizzardpaw's words had hurt thornclaws worse than claws could.
Last edited by sparkygirl (2009-08-20 08:40:11)
Hawkfoot gently picked up Whitecloud, and Tigerfang hauled Tabbypelt onto his back. They followed Crystallight to WaterClan.///Frostbite growled. "That's my mate you're threatening," She meowed so darkly it was nearly a hiss. She unpinned Blizzarpaw and fell over from lack of balance. "Fox-dung!" she spat. She so hated having a bum paw.
*! o.o Nikki has dragons in her signature? WOAH.
There goes another innocent soul...
(? bum paw?) they arrived at waterclan. bearstar understood and let them in. lots of othe eagleclan cats were hiding there as well.//// thornclaws got into a fighting position. ''so what! how could you fall in love with a monster like that! he's worse than twolegs!'' she hissed. she felt tears prickling her eyes again. ''you wouldn't understand losing your whole family!''
What's going on here? O.o
MyRedNeptune wrote:
What's going on here? O.o
i really have no idea! lolz!
Neptune! I haven't seen you in forevar >:3 Blizzardkit from Owlie and Rose's litter is Blizzardpaw now, I think the other kits should be apprentices; it's just because he's in DarkClan and Tallstar likes to recruit apprentices early XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Neptune! I haven't seen you in forevar >:3 Blizzardkit from Owlie and Rose's litter is Blizzardpaw now, I think the other kits should be apprentices; it's just because he's in DarkClan and Tallstar likes to recruit apprentices early XD
First answer me why you eggspam in your signature! Have you nothing better to do? D:
sparkygirl wrote:
(? bum paw?)
She's missing a paw. it was ripped off because of wolfeh -.-
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sparkygirl wrote:
(? bum paw?)
She's missing a paw. it was ripped off because of wolfeh -.-
MyRedNeptune wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Neptune! I haven't seen you in forevar >:3 Blizzardkit from Owlie and Rose's litter is Blizzardpaw now, I think the other kits should be apprentices; it's just because he's in DarkClan and Tallstar likes to recruit apprentices early XD
First answer me why you eggspam in your signature! Have you nothing better to do? D:
and also this
they arrived at waterclan. bearstar understood and let them in. lots of othe eagleclan cats were hiding there as well.//// thornclaws got into a fighting position. ''so what! how could you fall in love with a monster like that! he's worse than twolegs!'' she hissed. she felt tears prickling her eyes again. ''you wouldn't understand losing your whole family!''
nikkiperson2 wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Neptune! I haven't seen you in forevar >:3 Blizzardkit from Owlie and Rose's litter is Blizzardpaw now, I think the other kits should be apprentices; it's just because he's in DarkClan and Tallstar likes to recruit apprentices early XD
First answer me why you eggspam in your signature! Have you nothing better to do? D:
and also this … ammich.jpg
MORTAL!!!! I do not spam my awesome bubble signature with dragon offspring! What do you think you're doing? >:L
And thank you, but I prefer Owlie cocktail with my sammiches.
Frostbite growled. "I do know of losing my family. Knowing that both of your parents betrayed you, and your father hates you, is worse than knowing they are dead. all of my siblings are against me as well, and only because I fell in love with Shadowstar. You don't know the side of him I know," she spat. tears were beginning to form in her eyes.///Icekit battered her father's tail. "When are we gonna be apprentices?" She whined.
meh, brb again >.>
''well...i guess...yeah...i could pretend to be your sibling...then you won't have someone who hates you...and you could pretend to be that i can pretend to have a family....'' thornclaws sugested. ''i'm sorry about yelling...'' she said. '''s just so hard.....''
Hawkfoot got himself comfortable. "Hawkfoot!" Dappleflower called, seeing her brother in camp. "Hawkfoot, brother!" she ran over, and they touched noses. "Is this your mate?" She asked, glancing at Crystallight. She smiled. "Nice to meet you," she purred. Hawkfoot rolled his eyes. When he and his siblings all still lived in one Clan, she used to fuss over him constantly.
Frostbite blinked in surprise. The only sibling she had that was close to her anymore was Tallstar, and they didn't even share the same mother. "o...ok." She murmured. "But I'm not moving out of ShadowClan. I can't leave Shadowstar- I love him too much. Plus, my kits live here too...Blackice and Shadetooth..." she murmured.
crystallight smiled. ''nice to meet you. i'm crystallight, and these are our kits, whitecloud, and tabbypelt'' she said, pointing a paw at them.