whitecloud could barely open her eyes. her mother came over as well. ''whitecloud...what happened...'' she knew that her daughter hadn't been able to do much for a while. she was thin, too thin to be healthy, now, and she looked sleep deprived. ''hawkfoot, where's tabbypelt!'' crystallight gasped, looking around desperately. whitecloud asked something as well. ''where's...tigerfang....'' her voice shook heavily. the kit sized warrior hardly had enough energy to blink.
Hawkfoot shut his eyes tight in frustration. "Tabbypelt can fend for himself, no doubt. He's as strong as his father," he meowed, somewhat bragging even though the situation was dire. "And Tigerfang...I wish you would just let him go already." He added scournfully.
''he's...my...friend...'' whitecloud responded, and angry tone in her voice. crystallight looked unhappy. ''whitecloud...we know that you loved him...but...it's time to let it go. you have to act like a warrior and let it go without regrets...'' she said. ''NO!'' whitecloud said, her voice nearly a snarl of fury. ''i'll never give up on tigerfang! never! not until starclan falls!'' she shouted. her body shook with pain. crystallight sighed. ''whitecloud...'' she said. ''hawkfoot,'' she said quickly. ''i'm going to go find tigerfang...if whitecloud does die...then at least she can see him one last time...afterall. vampires never die. she'll never see him again if she does...'' she said. she'd been thinking about her own words. she hadn't given up on tigerfang yet. he was still her friend, even if they hardly ever talked... she was also worried about tabbypelt. suddenly, a cat dragged her down. she was out of sight of hawkfoot. the cat was nightwing. she'd been injured badly, and she couldn't get to wolfstar, so she'd found a good cat to see. crystallight was frightened. teh lengendary she-cat was wounded, and would possibly die. she dragged nightwing back over to hawkfoot and whitecloud. nightwing licked whitecloud. instandly all of her wounds were healed, but it didn't reach to her heart. that was still shattered.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
...and now I'm alone o.o
no ur not. i just wrote a REALLY long comment! lolz!
"Thank you," Hawkfoot meowed in almost a whisper to Nightwing. He was greatful that his daughter was safe, for now.///Tigerfang was outside of camp, fending off Tallstar. They wrestled, snarling and hissing as they crashed around.
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
...and now I'm alone o.o
no ur not. i just wrote a REALLY long comment! lolz!
it said you were offline for a sec XD
crystallight smiled. then she noticed nightwing's own wounds. ''can't you heal yourself?'' she asked. ''no...'' replyed the dark furred she-cat. ''i cannot. only others...'' she told them. she collapsed, her eyes closing. she was out cold. whitecloud was asleep, too weak from her selfcaused injuries to move. the two were defensless. ''hawkfoot...please...jsut go look for tigerfang and tabbypelt...'' she begged. ''and be careful...i'll guard them with my life.'' she said.
Hawkfoot nodded. He bounded away, escaping the battle, trying to track his son and Tigerfang. He caught Tabbypelt's scent, and followed it- He saw his son laying in a bloody heap, his claws still unsheathed with tufts of enemy cat fur lodged in the space between each claw. "Tabbypelt!" Hawkfoot gasped, running over to his son. Tabbypelt looked up weakly, and then went limp. Hawkfoot grabbed him by his scruff and dragged him back to Nightwing and the others. "Mistleaf..." Tabbypelt moaned. "Mist...Mistleaf..."
nightwing scented blood, and instantly woke from her uncontious state. she licked tabbypelt quickly, and closed her eyes again. he was healed. teh blood still remained in his fur, but he was healed.
thornclaws was floating down the river. she bashed into another rock. her head poked above the surface. she breathed in deeply. now she didn't want to die, and she probably would. water was filling her lungs, and she couldn't swim. she was directly across from eagleclan's camp. her head disapeared below surface again.
Blizzardpaw grumbled to himself, angry that Tallstar wouldn't let him go help with the raid. He didn't want to stay back and defend camp all by himself. He decided to get a drink by the river, and noticed something under the surface...a cat?///Tabbypelt was still winded, although he was healed. "Tabbypelt, where's Tigerfang?" Hawkfoot forced the question out. "Fighting...Tallstar...tried to help..." He murmured, and fell unconcious.
crystallight offered to defend her kits and nightwing. ''go find tigerfang. he'll help us...'' she said. she licked her mate's cheek before he went to find tigerfang. ''be safe!'' she said./////thornclaws drifted down the river. the breath was ripped out of her lungs by the icey paws of teh river. she was swirled around under the surface.
my cat wants me dead ;_; I was going down the stairs, and she magically appeared like right under my feet and almost tripped me. SHES EVIL!
nikkiperson2 wrote:
my cat wants me dead ;_; I was going down the stairs, and she magically appeared like right under my feet and almost tripped me. SHES EVIL!
aww! poor nikki! my cat, nightwing, wants me killed 2! lolz! she like jumps out of windows that down exist and lands on me, pushing me down teh stairs.
Blizzardpaw jumped in to save the cat. He struggled against the icy current, but managed to snag her tail with his claws. With much effort, he pulled himself over to her, and grabbed her scruff.///Hawkfoot sighed. He didn't want to do a search and rescue for the cat he hated most. He went back, back to the place where he found Tabbypelt, and sniffed around. He got the scent and followed, until he saw Tallstar and Tigerfang fighting. "Tigerfang," Hawkfoot whispered, enough to get the gray tom's attention.
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-08-20 08:00:01)
thornclaws felt something grab her tail, then her scruff. she twisted her body, trying to pull away, but she was too weak at this point./////
Blizzardpaw clung to a hanging branch with his paws, and hauled the both of them to shore. His lungs burned. He looked at the cat with distain, he wasn't sure if he should leave her or bring her back to DarkClan camp. He shrugged, and began to drag her to camp. He could put her in the nursery to keep dry, at the least.
thornclaws coughed out water. she was being dragged somewhere. adn she could smell darkclan. she struggled to get free. ''let me go!'' she shouted. ''let me go!'' she clawed herself free of his grip. ''who are you! why are you dragging me towards darkclan! i only just escaped that a few hours ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' she yowled. THEN I JUMPED IN THE RIVER...HOW'D I GET HERE AGAIN! she thought.
"Hey, I was just trying to bring you someplace warm or something, so you didn't freeze to death? Jeez, Shadowstar is right. EagleClan cats ARE ungreatful." He scoffed. He began to walk back to camp, and he didn't expect her to follow. *She thinks she's so high and mighty...At least I deserve a thank you!* He thought sourly.
''well...thanks...i guess...but...i- did you say...shadowstar! i have to kill him! he killed my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he killed my family! anyone who serves shadowstar is evil!'' she spat. she glared at the apprentice. ''and we're not ungrateful! he's a power hungry vampire with no heart!!!!''
Blizzardpaw hissed. "You know nothing about Shadowstar! He only wants to make the forest a better place by uniting it! The other Clans are just too dim-witted to see how his plan works!" He spat. "And once ShadowClan is the only Clan, the rest of the forest will see how Shadowstar was right all along." He hissed.
btw, Blizzardpaw is Owlstar's son XD Tallstar kidnapped him when he was a kit because DarkClan hates SunClan more than ShadowClan hates MidnightClan XD