1. Exploiting Tags to filter Projects
Due to several requests to introduce categories, limits, filtering, sorting etc., I'd like to see a feature to filter projects by tags, like in this picture:
The "Get tips how to get Scratch on Linux" would be great, you know?
After clicking the games link the window pops up with text field to enter up to 4 tags to sort projects with. At the first visit, there will be no filtering, so the (unfiltered. click here to start filtering.) will be shown instead of games.
2. Twitter-based solution to solve the problem with chatting
I'm sure that will satisfy everybody who wants chat function in Scratch. Take a look at this:
3. Getting rid of Top Remixed Lately
It's full of "Add yourself to (x)", "Add your (x) to (y)" and coloring contests. Do we really need this feature?
I loveh the top remixed... Most of them are contest and i love joining them...