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#1 2009-08-18 07:33:38

Registered: 2008-07-08
Posts: 31


i know it's a lil bit early and all seeing as 1.4 has only just came  out,but here is my sugestion,you could make it so like,there's  diffrent area co-ordinates on sprites,so like you make as like,if you clikc a certain area on a sprite,summat happens,you know,games like that.othr scratchers plz post ur ideas for 1.5 here aswell



#2 2009-08-18 10:58:00

Registered: 2007-11-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: 1.5

oliiscool wrote:

i know it's a lil bit early and all seeing as 1.4 has only just came  out,but here is my sugestion,you could make it so like,there's  diffrent area co-ordinates on sprites,so like you make as like,if you clikc a certain area on a sprite,summat happens,you know,games like that.othr scratchers plz post ur ideas for 1.5 here aswell

I liked SmartIrishKid's extensive explanation of subsprites. I think that would be a very useful feature to have. Also, I like the idea that would help us Scratchers that have projects with over 30 costumes. Whenever you edit a costume, I would like to stop the costume list from going back to the beginning. I would also like to see a <when I recieve ___> block. Lastly, I would like to see a pick random block but with more specific numbers such as (pick random 1 , 4 , or 2) . I like your suggestion as well.



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