I will help you, but I need you to be a little bit more specific.
I would have a variable that keeps track of how far off the enemy has gone off the screen "Supposedly" based on the distance the main player has gone, and when the enemy reaches its destinated distance, it will show, else hide. Is this enough help or use for you?
Ok how I did it was fairly simple.
First create a variable for the sprite called movement.
Set this variable to how far to the right you want the sprite to be.
Try setting it to 1000 and it should appear around the third platform.
Then make a script like this.
In this example I used the variable "platforms" as the scrolling variable.
<when green flag clicked>
<set x to( (( <{ platforms }> <+> <{ movement }> ))
I didn't include a script to hide the sprite but you should be able to do that on your own.
That is the way I programmed the enemies in archknight's adventure