You know how Game Maker allows sprites to be created from other sprites? Well, here is my idea for how sprite duplication could be implemented in Scratch.
Basic idea
Sprites, called "subsprites," can be created from another sprite, called the "parent". Each subsprite will have its own scripts, and any given subsprite can be created as many times as needed.
Subsprite menu
The "Subsprites" menu can be placed in the row of tabs, next to "Scripts", "Costumes", and "Sounds". You will be able to choose from a list of subsprites, similar to the normal sprite menu, beneath which will be shown the subsprite's scripts, costumes, sounds, etc.
New blocks
1. Create subsprite ___
This will create a subsprite. Activated from the parent sprite.
2. Destroy
This destroys the subsprite.
3. When activated
A conditional block that runs when the subsprite is created.
4. relative x/y
Calculates the subsprite's position relative to the parent sprite.
5. Shared variables
The variable and list menus will include the option "For this subsprite only".
If anybody has other suggestions for Subsprites, they can share them.