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#1 2009-08-15 10:13:52

Registered: 2008-12-08
Posts: 16

Extend Blocks

I'm getting annoyed putting <and> inside <and> inside <and>. I'd like to propose an option for <and> and <or> blocks. You right click, and you have the option to "expand block". What this does is add another "and" to your <and> or another "or" to your <or>.

This way, you can write <<2=2> and <3=3> and <4=4> and <5=5>> without ending up with a fat block.



#2 2009-08-15 15:54:54

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Extend Blocks

Good idea! I use that kind of code a lot and that is really annoying and eats up space, so they should have it where you can collapse it to save space!

Back. For now. Maybe.



#3 2009-08-15 16:56:01

Registered: 2008-07-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Extend Blocks

I third the idea.

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#4 2009-08-16 02:11:00

Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Extend Blocks

This is reasonable, but isn't it a bit unneccessary? And you wouldn't be able to remove different parts in the 'and and and' thing, would you? Like this:

(I apologize for the weird look; I can't help it. Click the quote button to see it properly).

<thing 1 and <thing 2 and <thing 3 and <thing 4>>>>

Then you want to remove the 'thing 2'. The way it is right now, you can drag away the bit from thing 2.

<thing 1 and ___>     <thing 2 and <thing 3 and <thing 4>>>

Remove the thing 2...

<thing 1 and ___>     <thing 2 and ___>     <thing 3 and <thing 4>>

... and attach the thing 3 and 4 to thing 1.

<thing 1 and <thing 3 and <thing 4>>>     <thing 2 and ___>

And of course you can get rid of the thing 2.

<thing 1 and <thing 3 and <thing 4>>>

How would you do all that with your idea?

Last edited by Jonathanpb (2009-08-16 02:14:20)

"Human beings... must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
-Charlotte Brontë



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