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#1 2009-08-14 07:43:24

Registered: 2008-04-05
Posts: 37

We need a game saver

As you can see im in the middle of a game but, all we need is a game saver so it makes it better when playing games...

people could of been waiting hours to do one game but the press the flag and it resets it all on them, so i was thinking of a scratch game saver so it makes games 100% better than thay where than

all you need to is press save game at the top right corner  big_smile  and all scripts will be saved than you have done  big_smile

thankyou for reading this!  smile

Last edited by dec123 (2009-08-14 07:44:17)

smile  sad



#2 2009-08-14 20:17:01

Registered: 2008-06-16
Posts: 41

Re: We need a game saver

Great idea dec123! I agree especially for long games. But you could have a passcode system (which I use).



#3 2009-08-16 09:37:39

Registered: 2008-04-05
Posts: 37

Re: We need a game saver

well... im not so sure

smile  sad



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