I think I have talent on Scratch, I just can't think of any projects to do. Please Help me out.
I know what you mean, I have writer's block (or in this case Scratcher's block) a lot too. One of my problems is that I don't want to "copy" another person's idea. But as long as it is your original work, I don't think people will mind.
I suggest learning how to make things scroll if you haven't already. Once you do that, here are a couple ideas.
Scrolling (or non scrolling) scavenger hunt. You hide objects on the screen in a colorful objects, and the user has to find it.
An OS. These are cool little programs (or big ) that are fun to make, because even if they have a similar idea, nobody considers it copying. OS stands for operating system, like Windows XP (just in case you didn't know, because I didn't know when I first started).