I am new to scratch. I will be teaching my middle school class how to scrath and I would like to add some sprites that the kids would be interested in but I am not sure exactly where to get new sprites and how to download them. Can someone point me in the right direction? Anything to do with video game charaters, anime, or sports like skateboarding would be great. Thank you.
For sprites images, lots of people are using spriters-resource.com for their projects. Ofcourse, you can always use my scratchresources.tk scratch resources site, wich contains unscripted and scripted sprites, sounds and even tutorials
Last edited by JSO (2008-01-26 15:07:21)
I can help you there! im a girl in high school and i know that kids like video games and stuff! ( cause i do ) I will give you a list of websites and projects were you can get sprites:
my project that has a lot of sprites: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Lanie624/87838
JSO wrote:
For sprites images, lots of people are using spriters-resource.com for their projects. Ofcourse, you can always use my scratchresources.tk scratch resources site, wich contains unscripted and scripted sprites, sounds and even tutorials
Hey, JSO, I notice that a couple of the sprites on your site are actually from Riener's Tilesets, but don't appear to be credited.
Just thought I'd mention it.
Thank you all for your quick response. I looked at the websites you suggested but I still could not figure out how to download the sprite sheets so I could use them in scratch. I am feeling really dumb right now so please forgive me but can you point me to a tutorial or give me some directions on how to get the sprites that I want to use in to scratch so I can use them. Thank you for whatever help you can offer.
Okay here is what you do!
right click on the sheet you want to download and save it to the desktop
then go to scratch and click on the folder and select the sheet u saved!
next if it is too big and the size of sprites have been shrunken, go to paint programn on your computer!
Then click on Edit, select paste from and click on the sheet u just saved!
then get rid of the other sprites on the sheet u dont want! that will get rid of the space u dont need!
After that save as whatever go back to scratch and do the second step i told u to do open up the file
if it is still too big u might have to get rid of other sprites
do for all those sheets that re to big process of elimination !
- lanie624
thank you again. I figured you would have to do something like that but it just seemed so cumbersome and time consuming. I thought there might be an easier way. Thank you so much for taking your time to help out a newbie.
Mayhem wrote:
Hey, JSO, I notice that a couple of the sprites on your site are actually from Riener's Tilesets, but don't appear to be credited.
Just thought I'd mention it.
I haven't tought about that... I credited in the game, and then exported the sprite, so i was forgotten to credit.
But how can i credit? Adding another costume with the credits in it? I'll try that...
Lanie624 wrote:
Okay here is what you do!
right click on the sheet you want to download and save it to the desktop
then go to scratch and click on the folder and select the sheet u saved!
next if it is too big and the size of sprites have been shrunken, go to paint programn on your computer!
Then click on Edit, select paste from and click on the sheet u just saved!
then get rid of the other sprites on the sheet u dont want! that will get rid of the space u dont need!
After that save as whatever go back to scratch and do the second step i told u to do open up the file
if it is still too big u might have to get rid of other sprites
do for all those sheets that re to big process of elimination !
- lanie624
I find that quite confusing Lanie624. I just right click the picture copy and paste it to my pictures and then import a sprite from file. Sorry if this is what you said but more complicated
cbateach wrote:
thank you again. I figured you would have to do something like that but it just seemed so cumbersome and time consuming. I thought there might be an easier way. Thank you so much for taking your time to help out a newbie.
There is a *slightly* easier way. On the Reiner's Tileset website there is a downloadable program called "Tilecutter".
It lets you specify a size of "cut out", which makes it much easier to chop sheets of sprites into individual costumes.
There are two different issues here:
1) how to import single costumes (which Toasty refers to)
2) how to import an animation that has been stored as a sprite sheet (which Lanie624 and Mayhem refer to)
Any image (from a digital camera, from the web, scanned from student artwork, ...) can be used as a single costume, and I recommend that approach for providing sprites to beginning scratch programmers. It can be exciting to put yourself into a game, even a simple game.
Having pre-generated animations may look more polished, but I think that the students actually learn less and have less sense of accomplishment that way.
My students have generally preferred drawing stick figures or modifying the scratch-provided sprites to get what they want, rather than using someone else's ideas.
made a project with lots of sprites, that anyone can use. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/funkymonkey/88327