I really want that <list contains ___>! There is that block that is called that, but it senses the exact item in the list.
You should rename the new block <item ___ includes ___>. That's more specific, having it say "includes" instead of "contains". And the blank after 'item' can be selected for 'item ___' or 'item 'any'' or 'item 'all'', as the old block does.
And following that, the old block should be renamed <item ___ is ___' (it used to say contains instead of is). That's more specific.
And yes, I would like all of those blocks!
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2009-07-28 01:49:24)
These should definitely be added:
Wait until I receive (Broadcast)
Repeat until I receive (Broadcast)
The options for when to detect when you receive a broadcast are too limited. This could be used anytime you have an active script waiting for a broadcast. It cannot be duplicated using existing blocks as far as I know.
I would suggest more options for stopping sounds, including specifying the sprite and sound.
<stop (select sound) sounds> for (select sprite)
I think you should be able to snap blocks on the side like this move 9 steps while doing this change y by y position
witch would look like this move 9 steps change y by y position
Another idea would be support for LEGO mindstorms here http://mindstorms.lego.com/eng/Egypt_dest/default.aspx because I have mindstorms but not wedo and I think scratch is simpler then the NXT software. And there should be extra sprites for NXT's but with the stuff like all of the looks and pen blocks tooken out because the NXT sprites are going to be real projects so you cant do that stuff.
and there should be stuff like ultrasonic sensor value and touch sensor pressed, released or bumped but there should be a menu in the loudness block for sensors or in the computer and there should be a controll block that turns the light in mindstorms 2.0 on and off. but you would be able to send a sound int the NXT and have it play the sound
do this insert (list) at (1) of a it shows the whole list
kalina my ip is not that
The-Whiz wrote:
<(LIST)contains word(_____)>
with some backward engineering of my word seperater engine, it would be possible in 1.4
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/deatheater/638406 <--- word seperater engine
juststickman wrote:
<stop scripts until>
Then you could make a good pause.
That can be done by adding a
<if><( <{ stop }> <=> 0 )>
in front of all loops (forever, repeat until, repeat etc)
and this script on the pause button
<when[ pause ]clicked>
<if><( <{ stop }> <=> 0 )>
<set{ stop }to( 1
<set{ stop }to( 0
@bhz: your wait until recieve method would be very glitchy, as to the fact, there is a certain amount of time between, the end and the start of a loop
I'd want a clone feature.
Last edited by deatheater (2009-09-25 02:23:27)