On the forums when someone quotes you or leaves a reply on your topic wouldnt it be better if you recieve messages like
''Your topic ''Topic Name'' has recieved a new reply by ''Username''.
''Username'' has quoted you on the topic ''Topic name''
Reply what you think about this.
I'd really like this idea! Nice thought!
Reamm wrote:
gettysburg11 wrote:
I'd really like this idea! Nice thought!
Its hard to know if you got a reply or something thats why I came up with this idea
Yeah, it gets a little annoying to click on the see your posts button every time I come here.
I proposed this idea quite a while ago. It's the topic Forum reply messages. Here it is: Forum reply messages. Take a look.
There should be a seperate area for messages from the forums.
This is good for small topics, though it would get tiring if your topic receives 100 replies.
So it would be handy, but it could also be irritating.